Illustrated Bible History

Ancient Egyptian Sculpture - Gem Sculptures

Obverse Side Of Intaglio Upon Sardonyx Obverse Side Of Intaglio Upon Sardonyx
An illustration of an obverse side of an intaglio upon sardonyx. In the Louvre collection.
Reverse Side Of The Intaglio Upon Sardonyx Reverse Side Of The Intaglio Upon Sardonyx
Reverse side of the intaglio upon sardonyx. In the Louvre collection.
Obverse Side Of An Intaglio Upon Jasper Obverse Side Of An Intaglio Upon Jasper
Obverse side of an intaglio upon jasper. In the Louvre collection.
Reverse Side Of An Intaglio Upon Jasper Reverse Side Of An Intaglio Upon Jasper
Illustration of the reverse side of an intaglio upon jasper. In the Louvre collection.