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Egyptian Stone Reliefs in Ancient Times

Ancient Bricks

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Illustrated Bible History

Ancient Egyptian Stone Reliefs - Ancient Bricks

Egyptian Brick Egyptian Brick
The ancient Egyptian bricks were made of clay moistened with water and put into molds.
Brick Stamped With Royal Ovals Brick Stamped With Royal Ovals
Brick stamped with royal ovals; from Prisse.
Unbaked Brick Unbaked Brick
Unbaked brick made of Nile mud and chopped straw with the prenomen of Rameses II, king of Egypt, Usr-maat-Ra, setep-en-Ra. About B.C. 1330.
Egyptian Brick Egyptian Brick
Illustration of an Egyptian brick of sun dried clay and straw, stamped with the prenomen of Thothmes III, from the eighteenth dynasty.