From the Vase of Clitias and Ergotimos | |
An illustration from the vase of Clitias and Ergotimos. | |
Io, Hermes and Argus | |
Greek red-figured vase painting, formerly at Naples. | |
Danae and the Golden Rain | |
Greek red-figured vase from Caere, Etruria (early fifth century BC). | |
Heracles and Geryones | |
Attic black-figured vase of the sixth century BC, from Vulci. In the Louvre. | |
Heracles and Cerberus | |
From a red-figure vase at Naples. | |
Heracles and Busiris | |
Greek black-figured vase of sixth century BC, from Caere in Etruria, now at Vienna. | |
Heracles Feasting | |
On a Greek vase at Munich. Late sixth centruy B.C. | |
Preparation for the Judgement of Paris | |
Greek vase-painting. In the Bibliotheque National, Paris. | |
Briseis Taken by Agamemnon | |
Briseis taken by Agamemnon, on a Greek vase in the Louvre. | |
Hectors Body Dragged Round the Tomb of Patroclus | |
Attic vase of the sixth century BC. In the British Museum. | |
Hectors Body Dragged Round the Tomb of Patroclus | |
A Greek vase at Naples. | |
The Death of Priam | |
Greek vase from Apulia in the British Museum. | |
Cassandra Flying from Ajax | |
On a Greek vase from Gela. About 500 BC. | |
Odysseus and Circe | |
Greek vase in the British Museum. | |
The Blinding of the Cyclops | |
Greek vase of the late sixth century BC at Berlin. | |
Scylla | |
From a Greek vase at Naples. | |
The Death of Aegisthus | |
Attic vase-painting at Vienna. Early fifth century BC. | |
Orestes Taking Refuge from the Furies | |
From a red-figured south Italian vase. Fourth century BC. | |
Jason and the Bull | |
From a South Italian Vase from Ruvo; at Naples fourth century BC. | |
Jason and the Serpent | |
South Italian vase from Ruvo; in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Fourth century BC. | |
Medea and Pelias | |
Attic vase painting. In the British Museum. | |
The Death of Creiisa | |
From a South Italian vase at Naples. Fourth century BC. | |
The Death of Creiisa, and the Murder of Medeas Children | |
Portions of a South Italian vase painting, now in Munich. Fourth Century BC. | |
Murder of Medeas Children | |
Portions of South Italian vase-painting now at Munich. | |
The Murder of Medeas Children | |
South Italian Vase from Cumae. In the Louvre. About 300 BC. | |
Polymestor Blinded | |
Greek vase in the British Museum. Fourth Century BC. | |
Amazons and Greeks | |
South Italian vase in the Jatta Collection at Ruvo. Fourth century BC. | |
The Murder of Itys | |
On an attic red-figured vase (kylix) drinking cup in the Louvre. Early fifth century BC. | |
Orpheus Playing the Lyre | |
From a South Italian red-figured vase painting. | |
The Death of Orpheus | |
From an attic red-figured vase. Fifth century BC. | |
Peleus and Thetis | |
Attic red-figured vase at Corneto. Fifth century BC. | |
Pelops and Hippodameia | |
Attic red-figured vase painting in the Museum of Arezzo. Fifth century BC. | |
Perseus and Gorgons | |
On an attic red-figured vase in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Sixth century BC. | |
Phineus and the Harpies | |
Greek vase at Warzburg. Sixth century BC. | |
Silenus before Midas | |
Attic red-figured vase from Chiusi. Fifth century BC. British Museum. | |
Croesus on His Pyre | |
Attic vase painting in the Louvre; end of sixth century or beginning of fifth century BC. | |
Arimaspi and Gryphons | |
Greek vase from the Cyrenaica; in the British Museum. | |
Pygmy and Cranes | |
From an attic vase at St. Petersburg. Fifth century BC. | |
Offering at a Tomb | |
Greek vase at Athens. Fifth century B.C. | |
Greek Furniture | |
Part of a South Italian vase painting representing Heracles in his madness. | |
Hunting | |
From a Greek silver vase with reliefs, found in Crimea. At st. Petersburg. | |
Lessons on the Double Flute | |
Attic vase by Hieron, from Caere. About 480 B.C. | |
Flute Playing | |
On a red-figured Greek vase at St. Petersburg. Fifth century B.C. | |
Fancy Dancing | |
On a red-figured Greek vase at St. Petersburg. Fifth century B.C. | |
Woman Dancing in Armour | |
From a red-figure attic vase. | |
Mycenaean Soldiers | |
Vase fragment from Mycenae. | |
Siege of a City Acropolis | |
Fragment of a Silver vase from the Acropolis at Mycenae. | |
Warriors Arming | |
On a red-figured attic vase by Duris at Vienna. About 500 B.C. | |
Greek Warrior | |
On an attic vase from Camarina in Siciliy. Fifth century B.C. | |
Light Armed Soldier | |
From an attic vase of the fifth century B.C. | |
Archer | |
On a black-figured attic vase of the sixth century BC., at Wurzburg. | |
Archer | |
Red-figured attic vase from Vulci. In the British Museum. Early fifth century BC. | |
Archer | |
On a red-figured attic vase. In the British Museum. About 500 BC. | |
Persian Soldier | |
Figure from the Darius vase. Fourth century B.C. | |
Greek Warship | |
On an attic black-figured vase at Berlin. Sixth century B.C. | |
Etruscan Sheep | |
Illustration from a vase showing an Etruscan sheep. | |
The Departure of Achilles | |
The departure of Achilles from an ancient vase. | |
Ajax carrying body of Achilles | |
Ajax carrying body of Achilles. Attic black figured lekythos, 510-BC, Sicily. | |
Corinthian Vase | |
An ancient Corinthian vase depicting Perseus Andromeda and Ketos. | |
Attic Red Figure Pelike | |
Attic red figure pelike showing Tityos trying to rape his mother Leto. | |
Funerary Pithos | |
Funerary pithos from the Archaeological Museum in Herakleion. | |
Arimaspus Fighting Griffin | |
Arimaspus fighting Griffin, from a red figure pelike Kerch vases, 375-350 B.C. | |
Black Figured Amphora | |
Black figured amphora with details of Athena Cerberus Heracles, 510 B.C. | |
Attic white Ground Black Figure Lekythos | |
Attic white ground black figure lekythos with Athena fighting Gigantes. | |
White Ground Attic Lekythos | |
White ground attic lekythos with Athena Heracles attacked by Lenaean Hydra, 500-475 BC. | |
Fragment from Athenian Ostraka Pottery | |
Fragment from Athenian ostraka pottery with inscribed ostracism, 490`s BC. On display at the ancient Agora Museum in Athens. | |
Attic Black Figure Amphora with Gorgons | |
Attic black figure amphora with gorgons at the National Archaeological Museum Athens. | |
Attic black figure Loutrophoros-Amphora | |
Attic black figure Loutrophoros-Amphora with details of sirens and wild animals found at the tumuli cemetery of Anagyrus, 600-575 BC, National Archaeological Musuem, Athens. | |
Attic Red Figure Pelike | |
Attic red figure pelike with illustration of Pegasus fighting Chimera, 440 BC. | |
Attic Red Figure Pointe | |
Attic red figure pointe with Boreas abducting Oreithhyia. | |
Side A of a Black Figure Amphora | |
Side A of a black figure amphora showing Cadmus fighting a dragon, 560-550 BC. | |
Black Figure Amphora | |
Black figure amphora with image of cattle of Geryon. | |
Attic White Ground Red Figure Lekythos | |
Attic white ground red figure lekythos with illustration of Dexiosis, a solemn handshake. | |
Detail of a Red Figure Attic Pelike | |
Detail of a red figure attic pelike with Dionysus fighting the giant Eurytos, 460 BC. | |
Detail from a Vase | |
Dionysos on a panther`s back on the left is Papposilenus holding a tambourine. | |
Drunk Papposilenus on an Etruscan Red Figure Stamnos | |
Drunk Papposilenus supported by two young men seen on a detail of an Etruscan red figure Stamnos. | |
Hyrdria with Plastic Relief Decoration | |
Hyrdria with plastic relief decoration of Eros playing satyr and maenads, 375-350 BC. From Capua. | |
Funeral Scene with a Woman Holding a Basket | |
Funeral scene with a woman holding a basket. Attic white lekythos, 440-430 BC, Athens. | |
Funerary Scene | |
Funerary scene showing a woman offering a crown to a young boy. An attic white ground lekythos, 440-430 BC. | |
Attic Black Figured Neck Ampora | |
Detail from an attic black figured neck amphora, 540 B.C. representing Geryon Orthrus, from Vulci. | |
Hermes or Phobos in Chariot | |
Hermes of Phobos in Chariot detail from a side A of an attic black figure amphora 530-510 BC from Vulci. | |
Attic White Ground Lekythos | |
Attic white ground lekythos with a detail of a young man wrapped in cloak with a woman seated on a tomb, 5th century BC. | |
Gynaceum Scene | |
A gynaceum scene shown in a red figure lekythos, 470-460 BC. | |
Servant Brings Mistress a Box | |
Detail from an attic red figure Amphoriskos of a servant bringing a box to a mistress. | |
Heracles and Hydra | |
Heracles Iolaus fighting Larnaean Hydra, from an attic black figure amphora. | |
Heracles binds Cretan Bull | |
Heracles binds a cretan bull from a black figure amphora, 510 BC. | |
Heracles Drives Cerberush | |
Detail from an attic neck amphora of Heracles driving Cerberush. | |
Heracles Fighting the Giant Antaeus | |
Face of Heracles on a detail from the main side of a red figure calyx crater wrestling the giant Antaeus, 515-510 BC. | |
Heracles and a Nemean Lion | |
Heracles and a nemean lion shown in a black figures mastos, 535-520 BC. | |
Herackles and a Namean Lion on a Boetian or Euboean Black Figure Lekythos | |
Herackles and a namean lion on a Boetian or Euboean black figure lekythos. | |
Fragment from a Red Figure Calyx Crater | |
Fragment from a red figure calyx crater showing Heracles and the Nemean lion, 515-510 BC. | |
Heracles Strangling a Lion | |
Heracles strangling a lion surrounded by Iolaus. From an attic black figure neck amphora, 520-510 BC, Vulci. | |
Heracles with Stymphalian Birds | |
Heracles with stymphalian birds shown in a black figure amphora, 500-490 BC. | |
Heracles and the Nemean Lion | |
Heracles and the Nemean lion, 500 BC. From the Museum of Cycldalic Art in Athens. | |
Heracles and the Nemean Lion Presented in a Vase | |
Heracles and the Nemean lion shown in a vase. | |
Heracles Fighting Geryon | |
Heracles Fighting Geryon. From an attic white ground black figure lekythos. | |
Attic White Ground Black Figured Oninochoe | |
Heracles and the Nemean lion on an attic white ground black figured oinochoe. | |
Hero Cult Epitaph | |
Hero cult epitaph dedicate to Oedipus from the side A of a Lucanian red figure pseudo panathenaic amphora, 380-370 BC, Apulia. | |
Hippocampe | |
Side b of a black figure amphora showing the hippocampe. | |
Detail from a White Ground Black Figure Lekythos | |
Detail of a white ground black figure lekythos presenting a lady holding a sandal punishing her white slave. | |
Detail from a Side A Neck of an Apulian Red Figure Volute Krater | |
Detail from a side A neck of an Apulian red figure volute crater, Arimasmus riding a griffin, 340 BC. | |
Funenary Lekythos | |
Funerary lekythos made from pentelic marble, 400 BC. | |
Detail from Red Figured Loutrophoros | |
A mourner tearing hair, detail from a red figured loutrophoros, 500-490 BC. | |
Musa Reading | |
Detail of a Musa reading volumen scroll, 435-425 BC. | |
Fragment of an Attic Black Figure Pegasus | |
Fragment of an attic black figure Pegasus, end of 6th century BC. | |
Pelike Promtomai | |
Pelike protomai of amazon and griffins, Pushkin Museum. | |
Poseidong Fighitng the Giant Polybotes | |
Detail from an attic black figure neck amphora showing Poseidon fighting the giant Polybotes, 540-530 BC. | |
Funerary Vases | |
Funerary vase, proto attic krater with snake ornamentation, 700 BC. | |
Pygmy Fighting Crane | |
Detail from a vase, 430-420 BC. | |
Red Polished South Coast Ware | |
Red polished south coast ware early Cypriot I period, 2500-2300 BC. | |
Attic Red Figure Calyx Krater | |
Attic red figure calyx krater, 375-350 BC from Eretria. | |
Scene from an Attic White Ground Lekythos | |
Tomb scene from an attic white ground lekythos of a man wearing pilos and a conocal hat seated. | |
Red Figure Stamnos | |
Detail of Troilus threatening Achilles, from a red figure stamnos, 300 BC. | |
Woman Deckinga a Gravestone Garlands | |
Detail from an attic white ground lekythos of a woman decking a gravestone garlands. | |
Bellerphon Fighting Chimera | |
Bellerphon fighting chimera, side A of an attic black figured Siana cup, 575-550 BC. |