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Ancient Greek Sculpture - Metope

Head from a Metope Head from a Metope
Head from a metope of the the middle temple upon the Eastern Plateau of Selinous.
Metope from the Cella of the Great Temple of Olympia Metope from the Cella of the Great Temple of Olympia
Metope from the cella of the Great Temple of Olympia. Atlas, Heracles, and the Nymph of the Hesperides.
Metope of the Southern Temple upon the Eastern Plateau of Selinous Metope of the Southern Temple upon the Eastern Plateau of Selinous
A metope of the Southern Temple upon the Eastern Plateau of Selinous.
Fight between Centaur and Lapith Fight between Centaur and Lapith
Attic marble relief from a metope of the Parthenon.