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Ancient Scrolls and Texts - Codex

Codex Vaticanus Codex Vaticanus
Codex Vaticanus, Fourth Century (Roman Vatican Library). The Bible in Greek, written in uncial letters.
Codex Sinaiticus Codex Sinaiticus
Codex Sinaiticus, fourth or fifth century.The Bible in Greek written in uncial characters. The MS. belonged to the convent of St. Catherine of Mount Sinai.
Codex Alexandrinus Codex Alexandrinus
Codex Alexandrinus, fifth century. The Bible in Greek written in uncial letters. The MS. once belonged to the Patriarchal Chamber of Alexandria. It was sent as a present to King Charles the First in 1627.
Codex of Ephraemi Codex of Ephraemi
The codex of Ephraemi, fifth century. A palimpsest manuscript, containing portions of the Bible in Greek in uncial letter, over which were written in the twelfth century, the works of St. Ephraem the Syrian.
Codex Bezae Codex Bezae
The Gospels and Acts of the Apostles in Greek and Latin, written in uncial letters. The Greek version being on the left and the Latin on the right.
Codex Reqius Codex Reqius
Codex Regius. Ninth century. The Gospels in Greek, written in uncial letters.
Codex Laudianus Codex Laudianus
The Acts of the Apostles in Latin and Greek, in parallel columns, written in uncial letters. The MS. was presented by Archbishop Laud to the University of Oxford in 1636.
Codex Claromontanus Codex Claromontanus
St. Pauls Epistles in Greek and Latin, written in uncial letters, the Greek on the left, the Latin on the right. The MS. belonged to the Monastey of Clermont , near Beauvais, in France.
Codex Claromontanus Codex Claromontanus
St. Pauls Epistles in Greek and Latin, written in uncial letters, the Greek on the left, the Latin on the right. The MS. belonged to the Monastey of Clermont , near Beauvais, in France.
Specimen of Codex Sinaiticus Specimen of Codex Sinaiticus
Specimen of the Codex Sinaiticus containing 1Tim.iii,16.
Specimen of the Codex Vaticanus Specimen of the Codex Vaticanus
Specimen of the Codex Vaticanus containing Psa. i, 1-3.
Specimen of Codex Guelpherbytanus A Specimen of Codex Guelpherbytanus A
Illustration of a specimen of Codex Guelpherbytanus A, containing Luke i, 6,7.