Illustrated Bible History

Ancient Egyptian Gods - Other Gods

Gods and Goddesses Gods and Goddesses
Illustration of Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Images of the Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Winged Goddess Winged Goddess
An illustration of a winged Goddess seated with one wing raised and the other lowered.
Hor-Hat And Thoth Pouring Emblems Over Amunoph III Hor-Hat And Thoth Pouring Emblems Over Amunoph III
Illustration of Egyptian god Hor-hat and Thoth pouring emblems of life and purity over Amunoph III.
Mnevis Or Mne Mnevis Or Mne
Illustration of a stone relief with the image of Mnevis or Mne, a calf worshiped by the ancient Egyptians.
Xnum, Sati and Sept Xnum, Sati and Sept
Illustration of a plate showing Xnum or also known as Chnoumis, lord of pure water. Sati or Satis, the great mistress of heaven. And Sept or Sothis, the great goddess.
Back View of Figure of Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, Isys and Nephthys Back View of Figure of Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, Isys and Nephthys
Back view of the porcelain figure of Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, Isys and Nephthys, with the soul of goddess Bast. From the collection of the British Museum.
Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, Isys and Nephthy Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, Isys and Nephthy
Illustration of the porcelain figure of Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, Isys and Nephthys. From the specimen in the British Museum.
Xeper Xeper
Xeper in his boat ruling the spirits of Heliopolis.
Heka Heka
Frog-headed deity Heka, mistress of Hesar.
Khem, Min or Amsi Khem, Min or Amsi
Egyptian god Khem, also known as Min or Amsi. Often represented in male human form, he was the god of reproduction.
Mut Mut
The goddess Mut or Tmau was the second member of the Theban triad. Her name signifies mother peculiarly the one before us, who may with much reason be supposed to represent in this capacity Nature, the mother of all.
Ra and Harmachis Ra and Harmachis
Egyptian deities Ra and Harmachis.
Seb Seb
Ancient Egyptian god Seb, the father of the gods.
Nut Nut
The ancient Egyptian goddess Nut. This goddess is sometimes represented with a vase on her head and she frequently occurs in paintings of the tombs as standing in the sycamore fig tree, pouring a liquid from a vase, which the deceased and his friends and even the soul of the former under the form of a bird with a human head, are catching in their hands.
Serapis Serapis
Hieroglyphical name of Serapis or also known as Hap-asar or Asar-hapi.
Triad Of Isis, Horus and Nephthys Triad Of Isis, Horus and Nephthys
The triad of the Egyptian deities Isis, Horus and Nephthys.
Har-Ur, Haroeris and Harsassi or Harsiesis Har-Ur, Haroeris and Harsassi or Harsiesis
Har-Ur, Haroeris and Harsassi or Harsiesis.
Harsassi or Harsiesis Harsassi or Harsiesis
Egyptian god Harsassi or Harsiesis.
Hat and Har-Hat Hat and Har-Hat
Hat and Har-hat, the great god lord of heaven and lord of Denderah.
Taur, Thoueris and Sepu Taur, Thoueris and Sepu
Egyptian deities Taur, Thoueris and Sepu.
Egyptian Deities Egyptian Deities
Various ancient Egyptian deities.
Beastplate With Ra and Ma Beastplate With Ra and Ma
An Egyptian breastplate with illustration of the figures of Egyptian deities Ra and Ma.
Tefnu, Ur-bek, Menhi and Bast Tefnu, Ur-bek, Menhi and Bast
Egyptian deities Tefnu, Ur-bek, Menhi and Bast.
Uati and Nishem Uati and Nishem
Figures representing Egyptian deities. First figure on the left is of Uati and the second and third one of Nishem.
Goddesses of the East and West Goddesses of the East and West
Illustration of the goddesses of the east and of the west.
Selk and Imouthos Selk and Imouthos
Selk and Imouthos. The goddess Selk is distinguished by the scorpion bound on her head. While, Imouthos or Aiemhotep is bald with small cap and is holding the sceptre.
Thebes, Tentyris, Bak and Rannu Thebes, Tentyris, Bak and Rannu
Egyptian deities Thebes, Tentyris, Bak and Rannu.
Bai, Heb, Renpi and Ament Bai, Heb, Renpi and Ament
Ancient Egyptian deities Bai, Heb, Renpi and Ament.
Nebhotep, Ta-a-ba, Unnu and Souls of Buto and Meni Nebhotep, Ta-a-ba, Unnu and Souls of Buto and Meni
Illustration showing Egyptian deities Nebhotep, Ta-a-ba, Unnu and Souls of Buto and Meni.
The Four Genii of Hades The Four Genii of Hades
Illustration of the four genii of hades which were Amset, Hap, Tuautmutf and Qabhsenuf.
Amt or Cerberus Amt or Cerberus
Amt or Cerberus, the devourer of the west.
Tanen, Tusaas, Hu and Sebak Tanen, Tusaas, Hu and Sebak
Forms of deities Tanen, Tusaas, Hu and Sebak.
Sapti Sapti
Sapti, the noblest of spirits of Heliopolis but whose office is uncertain. This figure was from one of the tombs of the kings at Thebes.
Neith or Sa Neith or Sa
Illustration of a goddess known as Neith or Sa, Sais who is represented as holding a child, as though it were entrusted to her charge.
Khu, Isis, Hek and Naham-ua Khu, Isis, Hek and Naham-ua
Illustration of a plate showing the goddesses Khu, Isis, Hek and Naham-ua.
Mersekar Opposed to Eileithyia Mersekar Opposed to Eileithyia
Figure representing Mersekar opposed to Eileithyia.
Mersekar, Mert, Ani and Tanen Mersekar, Mert, Ani and Tanen
Ancient Egyptian deities Mersekar, Mert, Ani and Tanen.
Horus, Ras, Isis and Ra-ta Horus, Ras, Isis and Ra-ta
Ancient Egyptian deities Horus, Ras, Isis and Ra-ta.
Reshpu, Ket and Khem Reshpu, Ket and Khem
Illustration of a plate with figures of Egyptian deities Reshpu, Ket and Khem.
Matet, Mau, Shuu, Un and Rat Matet, Mau, Shuu, Un and Rat
Plate illustration of deities Matet, Mau, Shuu, Un and Rat.
Sat, Tat-un, Nebuu, Seb and Ahi-ur Sat, Tat-un, Nebuu, Seb and Ahi-ur
Ancient Egyptian deities Sat, Tat-un, Nebuu, Seb and Ahi-ur.
Pectoral Plate With Ra and Ma Pectoral Plate With Ra and Ma
A pectoral plate with figures of deities Ra and Ma with an obelisk between them.
Closets With Figures Of Egyptian Gods Closets With Figures Of Egyptian Gods
Illustration of closets with figures of ancient Egyptian gods.
Scene of the Judgment in the Hall of the Two Truths Scene of the Judgment in the Hall of the Two Truths
Illustration of the scene of judgment of Egyptian deities in the hall of the Two Truths.
Goddess of Truth and Justice Goddess of Truth and Justice
Ancient Egyptian standing figures of the goddess of truth and justice.
Sitting Goddess of Truth and Justice Sitting Goddess of Truth and Justice
Sitting figure of the goddess of truth and justice.
Gods on an Egyptian Breastplate Gods on an Egyptian Breastplate
Figure of gods on an ancient Egyptian breastplate.