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The Roman Army

The Roman Army

'The Legion' (a professional outfit) jesus00000019.gif jesus00000019.gif

- Rome's military might was primarily because of its heavy infantry - the " Legion ."

- Composed of 4000-6000 men the legions were small mobile companies.

- at first it was a militia recruited among the wealthy classes

- by 100 BC. military service no longer appealed to the upper classes

- reforms were instituted by the Consul Marius (the Marian Reforms)

- they developed the 1st professional standing army (recruited from the lower classes)

- gifted soldiers from the ranks became officers

- as the Roman Empire grew, the legionaires were the policeman who kept the peace.

- Many were stationed in distant lands and spent their whole life in service outside of Italy.

- After 25 years, the legionary received a pension and a small plot of land

The Praetorian Guard jesus00000019.gif

- During the reign of Augustus Caesar, an elite group called the Praetorian Guard was formed

- They guarded the emperors and served as the last line of defense for the city of Rome.

- They were well paid, arrogant, and because of their position, able to influence political affairs.

Legionary Tactics

- Roman legionaries were constantly learning and developing new tactics of warfare

- One of their most effective formations was called the "tortoise." Marching into battle or attacking a walled city, soldiers protected themselves by linking their shields over their heads. jesus00000019.gif

- When attacking an enemy fortress or fortified city the legionary could not only depend on battering rams, siege towers, and sheltering devices, but also on heavy artillery equipment such as catapults, fire throwers, and crossbows.


- The legionaries were not only fighters but they were builders as well. No Roman legion fought a battle or retired for the night without first building a fortified camp.

- each legionary carried 80 pounds of equipment (weapons, armor, axe, spade, saw, basket, tent stakes, cooking utensils, and 2 weeks' rations of meal) jesus00000019.gif

- Overnight camps were tents surrounded by a ditch and a wooden palisade

- When far away they built more permanent quarters of wood, stone, and brick. (These later became cities)

- The army also built roads and bridges to link the various parts of the empire.

- bridge building was a special skill of the legionary

- the simplest bridge consisted of wooden frames covered with planking supported by pontoons.

- When there was a strong current, a more stable bridge was built secured by pilings into the river bed

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