The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index

casting lots


A way of making decisions in Bible times, similar to drawing straws or casting a pair of dice to determine what course or direction to follow. The word lots occurs 70 times in the Old Testament and seven in the New Testament. Most of the occurrences were in the early period when little of the Bible was available and when God apparently approved of this means for determining His will.

For example, the high priest separated the Scapegoat from the one he sacrificed by casting the lot (Lev 16:8-10).

Various offices and functions in the Temple were also determined by lot. The sailors on Jonah's ship also cast lots to determine who had brought God's wrath upon their ship.

In spite of the many references to casting lots in the Old Testament, nothing is known about the actual lots themselves. They could have been sticks of various lengths, flat stones like coins, or some kind of dice; but their exact nature is unknown.