The Life of Jesus in Harmony | Index


jesus00000092.gif TIBERIUS (14-37 AD) The Emperor Tiberius was the son of Livia, the empress, by a previous marriage. Though an able soldier, his dour personality did not impress Augustus. For his part Tiberius resented the shabby manner in which he was treated, in particular by being forced to divorce his beloved Vipsania to marry Augustus' adulterous daughter Julia. Tiberius' reign was marred by a glut of treason trials. In 26 AD, at the age of 67, he was persuaded by Sejanus, the sinister chief of the praetorian guard, to retire to his luxurious villa on the island of Capri, near the bay of Naples. According to the scandalous stories repeated by the writer Suetonius, the emperor indulged himself with orgies and sadistic displays, and rarely ventured back to mainland Italy.

jesus00000093.gif In 31 AD the treachery of Sejanus was uncovered and he was summarily executed. In either 30 or 33 AD, Jesus was crucified under Sejanus' protégé, Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea, a fact which was known to the historian, Tacitus.