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Verses 5-12 Jesus's Accusation against the Pharisees


He cites an important illustration all too well known to the people. "They make broad their phylacteries to proclaim their extraordinary piety and lengthen the tassels on their garments to call attention to themselves." The phylacteries were little boxes, attached to the forehead or left arm, containing small strips of parchment with certain Scripture verses written on them. The larger the box, the greater the piety professed by the wearer, a violent contradiction to all humility.

Jesus further exposed their selfish, ambitious, and social vanity. "They love the chief reclining places at the suppers and the first-seats in the front row facing the audience in the Synagogues, being motivated by a greedy hunger for prominence.

The were especially fond of the salutations they received from the people in the market-places, being addressed by men with the new title of Rabbi. This title means "my great one," or "my Master," a title apparently new in the time of Christ.

Jesus tells His disciples: "Do you not seek to be called Rabbi. For one is your teacher, and all ye are brethren. Call no man your father on earth, for one is your heavenly Father." This would also pertain to the title of priest or pope.

"Do not be called teachers, for you have one teacher, the Christ." Jesus here repeats several times that the favorable attribute among a great person is humility, lest they be humiliated. "The greatest of you shall be your servant. Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted."



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