Genesis 41:9 Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day: - Free Bible Online

Genesis 41:9 Then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh, saying, "I would make mention today of my [own] offenses.

      9-13. then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults--This public acknowledgment of the merits of the young Hebrew would, tardy though it was, have reflected credit on the butler had it not been obviously made to ingratiate himself with his royal master. It is right to confess our faults against God, and against our fellow men when that confession is made in the spirit of godly sorrow and penitence. But this man was not much impressed with a sense of the fault he had committed against Joseph; he never thought of God, to whose goodness he was indebted for the prophetic announcement of his release, and in acknowledging his former fault against the king, he was practising the courtly art of pleasing his master.


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Genesis 41 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: Pharaoh dreams of the kine and the ears, Joseph interprets the dreams, his interpretation reveals seven years of plenty and seven years of famine, he proposes a solution of grain storage throughout the famine, Pharaoh applauds him and makes him ruler of all Egypt, Joseph marries an Egyptian named Asenath, Joseph gathers grain as the sand upon the seashore, Asenath bearish two children Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph sells grain to the Egyptians and others during the famine.

1 Pharaoh's two dreams
25 Joseph interprets them
33 Josephe gives Pharaoh counsel
38 Joseph is promoted
50 The birth of Manasseh and Ephraim
53 The famine begins

Quick Reference Map
Map of the Nile River
Map of the Nile River and Egypt

Ancient Customs
chief butler
changed his raiment
Egyptian magicians
Pharaoh's ring
vestures of fine linen
gold chain about his neck
Egyptian priest of On

Ancient Topics
an answer of peace

Ancient People
Pharaoh, Joseph, butler, Asenath, Manasseh, Ephraim

On (Heliopolis)

The Old Testament

The Old Testament

Genesis Resources

Adam and Eve
The Flood
The Tower of Babel
Abraham the First Hebrew
Isaac, Son of Promise
Jacob and the 12 Tribes
Joseph and Egypt

Bibliography Information

Free Bible Online Picture Study Bible, King James Version. New York: American Bible Society:, 1995-2013. Bible History Picture Study Bible. Jan 27, 2025.

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