Luke 2:46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. - Free Bible Online

Luke 2:46 And it came about that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions.

      46. hearing . . . asking--The method of question and answer was the customary form of rabbinical teaching; teacher and learner becoming by turns questioner and answerer, as may be seen from their extant works. This would give full scope for all that "astonished them in His understanding and answers." Not that He assumed the office of teaching--"His hour" for that "was not yet come," and His equipment for that was not complete; for He had yet to "increase in wisdom" as well as "stature" (Lu 2:52). In fact, the beauty of Christ's example lies very much in His never at one stage of His life anticipating the duties of another. All would be in the style and manner of a learner, "opening His mouth and panting." "His soul breaking for the longing that it had unto God's judgments at all times" (Ps 119:20), and now more than ever before, when finding Himself for the first time in His Father's house. Still there would be in His questions far more than in their answers; and if we may take the frivolous interrogatories with which they afterwards plied Him, about the woman that had seven husbands and such like, as a specimen of their present drivelling questions, perhaps we shall not greatly err, if we suppose that "the questions" which He now "asked them" in return were just the germs of those pregnant questions with which He astonished and silenced them in after years: "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He? If David call Him Lord, how is He then his Son?" "Which is the first and great commandment?" "Who is my neighbour?"


Questions Related to this Verse

Where in Scripture does it mention Jesus was in the temple courtyard at the time of Passover?

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< Luke 2 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: In this chapter, we have an account of the birth and infancy of our Lord Jesus: having had notice of his conception, and of the birth and infancy of his forerunner, in the former chapter. The First-begotten is here brought into the world; let us go meet him with our hosannas, blessed is he that cometh. Here is, I. The place and other circumstances of his birth, which proved him to be the true Messiah, and such a one as we needed, but not such a one as the Jews expected (v. 1-7). II. The notifying of his birth to the shepherds in that neighborhood by an angel, the song of praise which the angels sung upon that occasion, and the spreading of the report of it by the shepherds (v. 8-20). III. The circumcision of Christ, and the naming of him (v. 21). IV. The presenting of him in the temple (v. 22-24). V. The testimonies of Simeon, and Anna the prophetess, concerning him (v. 25-39). VI. Christ's growth and capacity (v. 40-52). VIII. His observing the Passover at twelve years old, and his disputing with the doctors in the temple (v. 41-51). And this, with what we have met with (Mt. 1, and 2), is all we have concerning our Lord Jesus, till he entered upon his public work in the thirtieth year of his age. MHC

The birth of Christ. (1-7)
It is made known to the shepherds. (8-20)
Christ presented in the temple. (21-24)
Simeon prophesies concerning Jesus. (25-35)
Anna prophesies concerning him. (36-40)
Christ with the learned men in the temple. (41-52)

Painting of Bethlehem in the 19th Century
Painted sketch of Bethlehem in the 19th Century

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Map of Bethlehem in Judea and Southern Israel
Map of Bethlehem in Judea (Click to Enlarge)

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Ancient People
Simeon, Jesus, Anna


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Bibliography Information

Free Bible Online Picture Study Bible, King James Version. New York: American Bible Society:, 1995-2013. Bible History Picture Study Bible. Mar 28, 2025.

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