matthew 13:54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? - Free Bible Online

matthew 13:54 And coming to His home town He [began] teaching them in their synagogue, so that they became astonished, and said, "Where [did] this man [get] this wisdom, and [these] miraculous powers?

      54. And when he was come into his own country--that is, Nazareth; as is plain from Mr 6:1. See on Joh 4:43, where also the same phrase occurs. This, according to the majority of Harmonists, was the second of two visits which our Lord paid to Nazareth during His public ministry; but in our view it was His first and only visit to it. See on Mt 4:13; and for the reasons, see Lu 4:16-30.
      Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?--"these miracles." These surely are not like the questions of people who had asked precisely the same questions before, who from astonishment had proceeded to rage, and in their rage had hurried Him out of the synagogue, and away to the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, to thrust Him down headlong, and who had been foiled even in that object by His passing through the midst of them, and going His way. But see on Lu 4:16, &c.


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Free Bible Online Picture Study Bible, King James Version. New York: American Bible Society:, 1995-2013. Bible History Picture Study Bible. Mar 04, 2025.

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