Genesis Images and
NotesThe Book of Genesis
Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and
the earth.
The Old Testament - A Brief Overview

Summary of The Book of Genesis
Bible Survery - Genesis
Hebrew Name - Bereshith "in the beginning"
Greek Name - Genesis "origination"
Author - Moses
Date - From 4004 to 1635 BC Approximately
Theme - The Founding of the Hebrew Nation
Types and Shadows - In Genesis Jesus is the seed of the woman
Hebrew Title and Meaning: Bereshiyt - In the
English Title and Meaning : Genesis - Latin word
meaning Origin
The Book of Genesis (from the Latin Vulgate, in
turn borrowed or transliterated from Greek γένεσις, meaning
"origin"; Hebrew: בְּרֵאשִׁית, Bereʾ�yt, "In [the] beginning"),
is the first book of the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh) and the
Christian Old Testament. - Wikipedia
Author: Moses
Genesis is the first book of the Bible and the first book of
the five books written by Moses. The word "Genesis" is the title
given to it by the Septuagint (Greek) Version. The Hebrew Bible
names the title of the first book of Moses Bereshiyt ("in
the beginning"). Genesis means beginning and it is truly the
book of beginnings. The book of Genesis covers the beginning of
God's creative works (time, space, and matter), the beginning of mankind, the beginning of
sin, the beginning of redemption, the beginning of worship, the
beginning of civilization, the beginning of nations and races,
the beginning of languages, the beginning of God's covenant with
mankind through Israel, and many more beginnings. Genesis is
truly the foundation of the entire Bible. God loves man but He
is holy and the way of approach is through a humble obedient
life, trusting in the Word of the LORD.
The book of Genesis, and the beginning of the book of Exodus,
describe Gods steps in establishing a nation for Himself. This
nation would be in the center of the world, and they would
receive and maintain the oracles of God. They would be the
chosen people, chosen with the task of being a light to the
whole world, to all nations, revealing God's promises of
redemption. The book of Genesis shows how God first revealed
himself to the Abraham and his Hebrew descendants in order to
make of them a people who would serve him and be his witnesses
on the earth. This is the core principle of which pervades the
entire book.
Quick Reference Map

Map of the Tigris and Euphrates
(Click to Enlarge)
The Standard of Ur |
This royal standard of ancient Ur
of the Chaldees was carried on a pole around 2600 BC. There are
scenes of war and scenes of peace.
The contents of Genesis may be outlined in the following manner:
Outline of the Book of Genesis
I. The Beginnings of History (Chapters 1-11)
1) The creation of the universe (Chapter 1:1-2:3).
2) Description of the Garden of Eden (Chapter 2:4-17).
3) The creation of woman (Chapter 2:18-25 ).
4) The Fall of man (Chapter 3).
5) Cain and Abel (Chapter 4).
6) The generations from Adam to Noah (Chapter 5). Also known as
the antediluvians.
7) The wickedness of man, God calling Noah to build an ark, the
flood, and the events of Noah's life (Chapters 6-9).
8) The origin of the nations, as they descended from Noah
(Chapter 10).
II. The Life of Abraham (Chapters 12-25)
1) The LORD calls Abram to leave his home and sojourn in a new
land that would become the land of promise. God makes a covenant
with him in which he was promised that his descendants should
inherit the land of Canaan, that they should become a great
nation and that through them all nations of the earth would be
blessed (Chapters 12-17). Abram's name is changed to Abraham and
Ishmael is born to Abraham and Hagar, Sarah's handmaid.
2) God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah for their heinous sins and
delivers lot (Chapters 18-19).
3) Abraham deceives Abimelech concerning his wife Sarah
(Chapter 20).
4) The early years of Isaac (Chapter 21-25:18). This section contains
the birth of Isaac (Chapter 21:1-8); the departure of Hagar and Ishmael
(Chapters 21:9-21) ; Abraham's faith, as demonstrated by his willingness
to sacrifice Isaac (Chapter 22); the death of Sarah and the purchase
of the family burial ground from the Hittites (Chapter 23); and the
betrothal of Isaac and Rebekah (Chapter 24). At the end of this
section, Abraham's death is recorded (Chapter 25:1-11) and the
generations of Ishmael are given (Chapter 25:12-18).
III. The Life of Isaac (Chapters 25:19-26; 35)
The main events in connection with Isaac's life are the birth of
his twin sons, Jacob and Esau (Chapter 25:19-34) and his sojourn
among the Philistines (Chapter 26).
IV. The Lives of Jacob and Esau (Chapters
1) Jacob leaves home, after receiving his father's blessing
by deceit (Chapters 27:1-28:9). It was on this journey that he
experienced the vision of the ladder at Bethel (Chapter 28:10-15).
2) Jacob's family and his return from Haran to Canaan (Chapters 29-33). This section gives an account of Jacob's marriages, the birth
of most of his children, the shrewd dealings between Laban and
Jacob and the departure of Jacob from Haran. After leaving Haran
and wrestling with the angel, Jacob came into contact with Esau,
but without the conflict which had been feared.
3) The last years of Jacob's life (Chapters 34-36).
V. The Story of Joseph (Chapters 37-50)
1) Joseph, because of the jealousy of his brothers, is sold
into Egypt where, after a series of events, he becomes a ruler
of Egypt, ranking
just under Pharaoh (Chapters 37-41 ).
2) Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy food during a time of
great famine. After a time, Joseph reveals his identity to his
brethren (Chapters 42-45).
3) At the insistence of Joseph, Jacob and his family settle in
Egypt (Chapters 46-47).
4) Jacob's blessing of Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim,
and his prophecy concerning the twelve tribes (Chapters 48-49).
5) The death of Jacob and Joseph (Chapter 50).
Quick Reference Map

Map of the the Land of Israel in
(Click to Enlarge)
Quick Reference Maps - Genesis
The Land of Israel
The Ancient World
The Garden of Eden
The Tigris Euphrates Rivers
The Kingdom of Urartu - Mount Ararat
The Hamites
Kingdom of Nimrod
Ur of the Chaldees
The Egyptian Kingdom
The Hittite Kingdom
Sodom and Gomorrah
The Jordan River
The City of Shechem
The Nile River

Genesis Resources
Adam and Eve
The Tower of Babel
Abraham the First Hebrew
Isaac, Son of Promise
and the 12 Tribes
and Egypt
More About the Book of Genesis
Genesis in
the Picture Study Bible
The Old Testament
Timeline of the Ancient
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