1 Timothy 1 Background Information with Maps and Images (Picture Study Bible - 1 Timothy) Free Bible Online

1 Timothy 1

1 - Paul, an apostle of JesusChrist according to the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ our hope;Christ Jesus and omitsthe Lord.
2 - to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and ChristJesus our Lord.
3 - As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine,
4 - and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which cause disputes, rather than God's stewardship, which is in faith-
5 - but the goal of this command is love, out of a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith;
6 - from which things some, having missed the mark, have turned aside to vain talking;
7 - desiring to be teachers of the law, though they understand neither what they say, nor about what they strongly affirm.
8 - But we know that the law is good, if a person uses it lawfully,
9 - as knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
10 - for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and for any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine;
11 - according to the Good News of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.
12 - And I thank him who enabled me, ChristJesus our Lord, because he counted me faithful, appointing me to service;
13 - although I was before a blasphemer, a persecutor, and insolent. However, I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
14 - The grace of our Lord abounded exceedingly with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
15 - The saying is faithful and worthy of all acceptance, that ChristJesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
16 - However, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first, JesusChrist might display all his patience, for an example of those who were going to believe in him for eternal life.
17 - Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
18 - This instruction I commit to you, my child Timothy, according to the prophecies which were given to you before, that by them you may wage the good warfare;
19 - holding faith and a good conscience; which some having thrust away made a shipwreck concerning the faith;
20 - of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I delivered to Satan, that they might be taught not to blaspheme.
1 Timothy Images and Notes

The Book of 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 3:2 - A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

1 Timothy 4:1-3 - Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, [and commanding] to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy in The New Testament - A Brief Overview

Painting of the Apostle Paul by Rembrandt - 1657
Painting of Paul the Apostle by Rembrandt - 1657

Introduction to The Book of 1 Timothy

Brief Summary. Paul warns the leaders at the church in Ephesus of the many dangers that they were facing (Acts 20:17-31). Problems had obviously happened at the church, there were teachers who were not following sound doctrine (1 Timothy 6:3). Paul wrote this letter to advise Timothy who was very young, on how to deal with these issues, and also encouraged him in his duties as a minister.

Summary of The Book of 1 Timothy

Historical Background. Paul loved Timothy dearly as a friend and as a companion, and he says of him, "I have none like-minded," and calls Timothy his "son in the gospel." Paul made Timothy his helper during the three years that he was at Ephesus. When Paul was released from his first Roman imprisonment, he sent Timothy to minister at the church of Ephesus. Paul was very concerned about the church at Ephesus, its organization, and faithfulness to the work which Paul began. He wrote the epistle of 1 Timothy to instruct him as a pastor in the continuing of the work which Paul had administered and cared so deeply about.

The Pastoral Epistles. 1 and 2 Timothy, in Titus are referred to as the pastoral epistles. Most scholars believe they were written between Paul's first and second imprisonments, sometime between 64 and 67 AD.

Authorship. Paul

Date. Around 64 AD. Probably written from Macedonia.

Timothy. Timothy became a new convert of Paul the apostle on his first missionary journey (1 Timothy 1:2, 18, Acts 14:6-23), and Timothy became a devoted traveling companion of Paul's. Timothy was a native of Lystra, and he was with Paul when he was imprisoned Rome. Paul mentions that Timothy made the journey from Rome to Philippi (Philippians 2:19-23). Sometime later became the minister of the church at Ephesus, and Paul the apostle addresses his epistle to Timothy as a minister at Ephesus.

Outline of the Book of 1 Timothy

Instruction and Sound Doctrine - Chapter 1
Instruction and Public Prayer and Worship - Chapter 2
Instruction and The Local Church - Chapter 3
Instruction and Pastoral Ministry - Chapter 4

Jesus written in Hebrew
The Name Jesus In Ancient Hebrew Text
"Yeshua" in First Century Hebrew Text. This is how the name "Jesus" would have been written in ancient Hebrew documents. The four letters or consonants from right to left are Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin (Y, SH, OO, A). Jesus is the Greek name for the Hebrew name Joshua or Y'shua which means "The LORD or Yahweh is Salvation".

1 Timothy Maps and Resources

Map of the Roman Empire (14 A.D.) - This map reveals the Roman Empire during the time shortly after the birth of Jesus, in 14 AD at the time of the death of Augustus. The order which prevailed in this extensive empire, the good military roads, and the use of Koine Greek as the general language of culture throughout the area were among the factors which multiplied the rapid spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Color Map)

Map of Paul's First Missionary Journey (48 A.D.) - This map reveals the areas in Asia Minor where Paul visited in his first missionary journey. Around 48 AD, in the springtime, Paul and his companions Barnabas and Mark were sent on a mission from the church in Antioch. This would be the first of Paul's Missionary Journey's. (Color Map)

Map of Paul's Second Missionary Journey (51 A.D.) - This map reveals the areas in Asia and Greece where Paul visited in his second missionary journey. Paul re-visits a couple cities in Asia, one of which was Lystra where he was stoned and left for dead a few years earlier. He later has a vision that leads him over to Greece and Paul and his companions travel and minister in various cities in Greece (Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens and Corinth. Later Paul returns to Ephesus and finally to Caesarea and Antioch. (Color Map)

Map of Paul's Third Missionary Journey (54 A.D.) - This map reveals the areas in Asia and Greece where Paul visited in his third missionary journey. On Paul's third missionary journey he returned to the cities he had first visited on his first missionary journey. During this time he decided to remain in Ephesus for about 3 years, and this city was the main focus of his activities and an important Christian community (Acts 19). (Color Map)

Map of the New Testament World - This map reveals the "Nations" within the ancient world during the first century A.D., the time of the New Testament. The map includes the areas of Israel, Asia, Greece, and Italy. (Color Map)

Map of New Testament Greece This map reveals the cities within Greece in the ancient world during the first century A.D.,The map includes the principal cities of Greece like: Athens, Corinth, and Thessalonica, and provinces like Macedonia and Achaia. (Color Map)

Map of New Testament Asia - This map shows the cities within Asia Minor during the first century A.D., the time of the New Testament. The map includes the principal cities of Asia including Tarsus, Ephesus, and Colossae, and provinces like Galatia and Pamphilia. (Color Map)


Bibliography Information

Free Bible Online - Picture Study Bible, King James Version. New York: American Bible Society: www.free-bible.com, 1995-2013. Bible History Picture Study Bible. Feb 22, 2025.

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