The Month Tishri


(Assyro-Babylonian, Tashritu) (30 Days)

September/October (Early rains, plowing).

1 Kings 8:2

7th month of the religious calendar.

1th month of the civil calendar.

Tishri 1 New Moon

Tishri 1,2 Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah, (Lev 23:24; Num 29:1-2)

Tishri 10 Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, (Lev 23:26 ff)

Tishri 10 The fast (Acts 27:9)

Tishri 15-21 Feast of Tabernacles, Succoth (Lev 23:33 ff)


During September the summer heat is intensified by the "siroccos" or desert winds, which can last much longer than the winds of spring. The farmers would dry their figs for winter, and a would make their grapes into raisins, syrup, and wine. The pomegranates and bananas would ripen. Usually around the end of September would be the first shower after a long summer drought.


Note: Before the Babylonian captivity this month was referred to as Etanim (1 Kings 8:2).

The Sacred Year of Israel
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