Glossary of Latin Words - Letter R
rabidus -a -um, raging, mad, savage; adv. rabide.
rabies -ei, f. madness, rage, fury, frenzy.
rabiosulus -a -um, rather furious.
rabiosus -a -um, raging, mad, savage; adv. rabiose.
Rabirius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
rabula -ae, m. a bawling advocate.
racemifer -fera -ferum, bearing clusters.
racemus -i, m. a cluster, esp. of grapes.
radiatus -a -um, provided with spokes or rays.
radicitus, with or by the root; utterly.
radicula -ae, f. a little root.
radio -are and radior -ari, dep. to gleam, radiate.
radius -i, m. a staff, rod; the spoke of a wheel; the radius of a circle; in weaving, a shuttle; in botany, a kind of long olive. Transf., a ray, beam of light.
radix -icis, f. a root; the foot of a mountain; in gen. foundation, basis, origin.
rado radere rasi rasum, to scrape, shave, graze; to erase; to hurt, offend.
raeda -ae, f. a travelling carriage.
raedarius -i, m. a coachman.
ramale -is, n., usually plur., sticks, brushwood.
ramentum -i, n., usually plur., shavings, splinters, chips.
rameus -a -um, of branches.
ramex -icis, m. a rupture; plur., the lungs.
Ramnes and Ramnenses -ium, m. pl. one of the three tribes into which the early Roman citizens were divided.
ramosus -a -um, full of boughs, branching.
ramulus -i, m. a little branch, twig.
ramus -i, m. a bough, branch, twig.
rana -ae, f. a frog.
rancens -entis, stinking, putrid.
rancidulus -a -um, rather putrid.
rancidus -a -um, stinking, rank, offensive.
ranunculus -i, m. a little frog, tadpole.
rapacitas -atis, f. greediness.
rapax -acis, snatching, grasping, greedy.
rapiditas -atis, f. rapid flow, rapidity.
rapidus -a -um, rushing, swift, violent; adv. rapide.
rapina -ae, f. robbery, pillage; booty, plunder.
rapio rapere rapui raptum, to seize, snatch, tear away; to plunder a place; to hurry along a person or thing; 'se rapere', to rush off. Transf., to pervert, lead astray. N. of partic. as subst. raptum -i, plunder.
raptim, violently, hastily, hurriedly.
raptio -onis, f. carrying off, abduction.
rapto -are, to seize and carry off, to hurry away; to rob, plunder a place.
raptor -oris, m. a robber, plunderer.
raptus -us, m. tearing off, rending away; carrying off, abduction, rape; plundering.
rapulum -i, n. a little turnip.
rarefacio -facere -feci -factum, to make thin, rarefy.
raresco -ere, to become thin, to lose density; to widen out; to grow less.
raritas -atis, f. thinness; looseness of texture; fewness, rarity.
rarus -a -um, loose, thin; scattered, scanty, far apart; milit. in loose order; in gen. rare, infrequent; sometimes extraordinary, distinguished. Adv. raro, rare, seldom, rarely.
rasilis -e, scraped, smooth.
rastrum -i, n., plur. gen. rastri -orum, a hoe, rake, mattock.
ratio -onis, f. a reckoning, account, consideration, calculation; 'rati- onem ducere', to compute; any transaction, affair, business; a reason, motive, ground; a plan, scheme, system; reasonableness, method, order; a theory, doctrine, science; the reasoning faculty.
ratiocinatio -onis, f. reasoning; esp. a form of argument, syllogism.
ratiocinativus -a -um, argumentative; syllogistic.
ratiocinator -oris, m. a calculator, accountant.
ratiocinor -ari, dep. to compute, calculate; to argue, infer, conclude.
rationalis -e, reasonable, rational.
rationarium -i, n. a statistical account.
ratis -is, f. a raft; poet. a ship, boat.
ratiuncula -ae, f. a little reckoning, account; a poor reason; a petty syllogism.
ratus; see reor.
raucisonus -a -um, hoarsely sounding.
raucus -a -um, hoarse, harsh-sounding.
raudus (rodus, rudus) -eris, n. a rough mass, lump, esp. of copper money.
raudusculum -i, n. a small sum of money.
Ravenna -ae, f. a town in Gallia Cispadana, near the Adriatic.
ravus -a -um, tawny or grayish.
rea; see reus.
reapse, in truth, really.
rebellatio; see rebellio.
rebellatrix -icis, f. renewing war, rebellious.
rebellio -onis, f. a renewal of war, esp. by the conquered; a revolt.
rebellis -e, renewing war, insurgent.
rebellium; = rebellio; q.v.
rebello -are, to renew war, revolt, fight back.
reboo -are, to echo, resound; to make to resound.
recalcitro -are, to kick back; fig. to deny access.
recaleo -ere, to warm again.
recalesco -ere, to become warm again.
recalfacio -facere -feci -factum, to make warm again.
recandesco -candescere -candui, to grow white; to become hot, begin to glow.
recanto -are: intransit. to resound, echo; transit. to recall, recant; to charm away.
recedo -cedere -cessi -cessum, to go back, retreat, retire; to disappear.
recello -ere, to spring back, fly back.
recens -entis, new, fresh, young, recent; vigorous. As adv. recens, lately, recently.
recenseo -censere -censui -censum, to review, muster, examine; to recount.
recensio -onis, f. reviewing, mustering.
receptaculum -i, n. a reservoir, receptacle; a place of refuge, shelter, retreat.
recepto -are, to draw back, receive back, take in; to receive frequently, harbor.
receptor -oris, m. a receiver, harborer.
receptrix -tricis, f. a receiver, harborer.
receptus -us, m. drawing back; withdrawal, recantation; retiring, retreat, return; poet. a place of retreat.
recessim, backwards.
recessus -us, m. going back, retreat, withdrawal; a place of retreat, quiet place.
recidivus -a -um, returning, repeated.
recido (1)-cidere -ccidi -casurus, to fall back; to relapse, recoil, descend, sink, fall.
recido (2) -cidere -cidi -cisum, to cut back, lop away.
recingo -cingere -cinxi -cinctum, to ungird, loosen.
recino -ere, to resound, echo; transit. to cause to resound.
recipio -cipere -cepi -ceptum, to hold back, retain; to take back, fetch back; 'se recipere', to withdraw, retreat; to regain, recover; to to receive, accept, take to oneself; to receive hospitably. Transf. to accept, admit, allow; to accept an obligation; hence to guarantee, pro- mise, be responsible for. N. of partic. as subst. receptum -i, an engage- ment, guarantee.
reciproco -are, to move backwards and forwards; 'animam', to breathe.
reciprocus -a -um, going backwards and forwards; 'mare', ebbing.
recitatio -onis, f. a reading aloud.
recitator -oris, m. a reader aloud.
recito -are, to read aloud, read out, recite.
reclamatio -onis, f. loud disapprobation.
reclamito -are, to cry out against.
reclamo -are, to cry out against, contradict loudly; poet. to re-echo, resound.
reclinis -e, leaning backwards.
reclino -are, to bend back, cause to lean back.
recludo -cludere -clusi -clusum, to open; to reveal; 'fata', to relax.
recogito -are, to think again, reconsider.
recognitio -onis, f. inspection, examination.
recognosco -noscere -novi -nitum, to recognize, know again, recall; to review, inspect, investigate.
recolo -colere -colui -cultum, to cultivate or work again; to resume; to set up again, rehabilitate; to reflect upon, to recall.
recompono -ponere -positum, to readjust.
reconciliatio -onis, f. winning back, restoration.
reconciliator -oris, m. a restorer.
reconcilio -are, to restore, repair; of persons, to reunite, reconcile.
reconcinno -are, to restore, renovate, repair.
recondo -dere -didi -ditum, to put away, put back, store, hide. Hence partic. reconditus -a -um, put away, concealed; abstruse, profound; of character, reserved, mysterious.
reconflo -are, to rekindle.
reconligo -ligere -legi -lectum, to collect again, recover.
recoquo -coquere -coxi -coctum, to boil again, heat up again, recover.
recordatio -onis, f. recollection, remembrance.
recordor -ari, dep. to remember, recollect; to think of, ponder over.
recreo -are, to restore, refresh, invigorate, revive.
recrepo -are, to echo, resound.
recresco -crescere -crevi -cretum, to grow again.
recrudesco -crudescere -crudui, to become raw again, break out afresh.
rectio -onis, f. ruling, direction.
rector -oris, m. ruler, governor, director, guide; 'navis', steersman; of animals, driver or rider.
rectus; see rego.
recubo -are, to lie back, recline.
recumbo -cumbere -cubui, to lie back, recline (esp. at table); in gen., to sink down, fall down.
recuperatio -onis, f. recovery.
recuperator (reciperator) -oris, m. a recoverer; pl. recuperatores, a board of arbiters appointed by the praetors.
recuperatorius -a -um, of the recuperatores (q.v.).
recupero (recipero) -are, to regain, recover.
recuro -are, to restore, refresh.
recurro -currere -curri -cursum, to run back; to revert, return.
recurso -are, to run back, return.
recursus -us, m. return, return.
recurvo -are, to bend or curve backwards.
recurvus -a -um, bent or curved backwards; winding.
recusatio -onis, f. refusal; legal, a protest, counterplea.
recuso -are, to object to, protest against, refuse; legal, to take exception, plead in defense.
recutio -cutere -cussi -cussum, to strike back, cause to rebound.
reda; see raeda.
redamo -are, to love in return.
redarguo -guere -gui, to refute, disprove, contradict.
reddo -dere -didi -ditum. (1) to give back, restore; 'reddi', or 'se reddere', to return; in words, to repeat, recite; to reproduce by imitation, to represent, reflect. (2) to give in return; hence to answer; to translate, render, interpret; to make, render, cause to be. (3) to give as due; to pay up, deliver; fulfil; 'reddere ius', to administer justice.
redemptio -onis, f. a buying up, bribing; farming of taxes; buying back, ransoming, redemption.
redempto -are, to ransom, redeem.
redemptor -oris, m. buyer, contractor, farmer (of taxes).
redemptura -ae, f. contracting, farming (of taxes, etc.).
redeo -ire -ii (-ivi) -itum. (1) to go back, come back, return; 'ad se', to come to one's senses; redit, the matter comes up again. (2) of revenue, income, etc. to come in. (3) to fall back upon, be reduced or brought to.
redhalo -are, to breathe out again.
redhibeo -ere -ui -itum, to take back.
redigo -igere -egi -actum, to drive back, bring back; of money, etc. to draw in, call in; in gen. to bring or reduce to a condition; to reduce in number, value, etc.; to lessen, bring down.
redimiculum -i, n. a fillet, chaplet.
redimio -ire -ii -itum, to bind round, wreathe, crown.
redimo -imere -emi -emptum, to buy back, redeem; to ransom, recover; in gen. to buy up, contract for, farm, hire, procure.
redintegro -are, to restore, renew, repair.
redipiscor -i, dep. to get back.
reditio -onis, f. going back, return.
reditus -us, m. going back, return; 'in gratiam', reconciliation; of money, etc. returns, income, revenue.
redivia; see reduvia.
redivivus -a -um, renewed, renovated; n. as subst. old building materials used again.
redoleo -ere -ui, to emit an odor, smell of.
redomitus -a -um, tamed again.
redono -are, to give back; to give up.
reduco -ducere -duxi -ductum, to draw backwards, bring back, lead home; also to bring to a state or condition. Hence partic. reductus -a -um, drawn back; withdrawn, retired, remote, sequestered.
reductio -onis, f. bringing back, restoration.
reductor -oris, m. one who brings back.
reduncus -a -um, bent back, curved.
redundantia -ae, f. overflowing; redundancy.
redundo -are, to overflow, stream over; to be in excess, be copious, diffuse; to abound in (with abl.); to be left over, overflow, spread.
reduvia (redivia) -ae, f. a hangnail, whitlow.
redux -ducis, adj.: act. bringing back, restoring; pass. brought back, returned.
refectio -onis, f. repairing, restoring.
refello -fellere -felli, to refute, disprove.
refercio -fercire -fersi -fertum, to stuff, to cram; partic. refertus -a -um, stuffed, crammed, filled.
referio -ire, to strike back, strike again. Transf. to reflect.
refero referre rettuli relatum. (1) to carry back, bring back; 'referre pedem', or 'se', or pass. 'referri', to return, go back. (2) to bring again, restore, repeat; to echo; to reproduce, recall. (3) to say back, answer. (4) to bring as expected, pay up, deliver; to bring back a mes- sage, report; to refer a matter to authority; to enter in a record, etc., to register, put down, enter; to assign to a cause.
refert referre retulit, impers. it matters, it concerns, it makes a dif- ference; 'mea, illorum refert', it matters to me, to them.
refertus -a -um, partic. from refercio; q.v.
referveo -ere, to boil over.
refervesco -ere, to boil up, bubble up.
reficio -ficere -feci -fectum. (1) to make again, restore, repair, reestablish, refresh, revive. (2) to get back, receive, get.
refigo -figere -fixi -fixum, to unfasten, demolish, remove; of laws, to repeal, abrogate.
refingo -ere, to form anew.
reflagito -are, to ask back, demand again.
reflatu, abl. sing. m. by a contrary wind.
reflecto -flectere -flexi -flexum, to bend back, turn back, divert; intransit. to yield, retreat.
reflo -are: intransit. to blow back, blow contrary; transit. to blow out.
refluo -fluere -fluxi -fluxum, to flow back; to overflow.
refluus -a -um, flowing back.
reformator -oris, m. a reviver.
reformidatio -onis, f. dread, terror.
reformido -are, to dread, fear, shun, avoid.
reformo -are, to form again, mold anew.
refoveo -fovere -fovi -fotum, to warm again, revive, restore, refresh.
refractariolus -a -um, somewhat stubborn.
refragor -ari, dep. to oppose, withstand, thwart.
refreno -are, to rein back, hold in, restrain, curb.
refrico -fricare -fricui -fricatum, to rub again; to excite again, renew.
refrigeratio -onis, f. cooling, coolness.
refrigero -are, to cool off; pass. refrigerari, to cool oneself, grow cool, grow languid.
refrigesco -frigescere -frixi, to grow cold, cool down; to flag, fail, grow stale.
refringo -fringere -fregi -fractum, to break up, break open; to curb, check.
refugio -fugere -fugi: intransit. to flee back, run away; to shrink; of places, to recede; transit. to fly from, avoid.
refugium -i, n. refuge.
refugus -a -um, fugitive, receding, recoiling.
refulgeo -fulgere -fulsi, to gleam back, shine brightly, glitter.
refundo -fundere -fudi -fusum, to pour back, to make overflow.
refutatio -onis, f. refutation.
refutatu, abl. sing. m. by refutation.
refuto -are, to drive back, check, repress; to refute, disprove.
regalis -e, of a king, royal, regal; adv. regaliter, regally, tyrannically.
regelo -are, to thaw, warm.
regero -gerere -gessi -gestum, to carry back, throw back.
regia; see regius.
regificus -a -um, princely, splendid.
regigno -ere, to bring forth again.
Regillus -i, m. a lake in Latium, scene of a victory of the Romans over the the Latins, 496 B.C..
regimen -inis, n. control, guidance, rule, direction, government; a ruler, governor; poet. rudder.
regina -ae, f. queen; princess; lady, mistress, sovereign.
regio -onis, f. (1) a direction, line; esp. a boundary line, boundary: 'e regione', in a straight line, also opposite, over against (with genit. or dat.). (2) a region, district, province. Transf. sphere, department.
regionatim, according to districts.
Regium (Rhegium) -i, n. (1) a town in Gallia Cispadana. (2) a town in Calabria.
regius -a -um, of a king, royal, regal; splendid, magnificent. F. as subst. regia -ae, palace, court, the royal family; capital city. Adv. regie, royally; tyrannically.
regnator -oris, m. ruler, king.
regnatrix -tricis, f. adj. ruling.
regno -are: intransit. to be a king, reign; to be master, be a tyrant; to prevail; transit., in pass. regnari, to be ruled by a king.
regnum -i, n. (1) royal power, monarchy, supremacy; tyranny. (2) a realm, kingdom, estate.
rego regere rexi rectum, to guide, direct; to rule, govern, administer. Hence partic. rectus -a -um, ruled; as adj. straight; upright. Transf. right, correct, proper; honest, upright; natural, plain, straight- forward; n. as subst. right. Adv. recte, in a straight line; rightly, properly; 'recte est', all is well.
regredior -gredi -gressus, dep. to step back, go back; milit. to retire, retreat.
regressus -us, m. a going back, return, retreat; refuge, recourse.
regula -ae, f. a ruler, plank. Transf. a rule, pattern, model.
regulus -i, m. a petty king, or king's son, prince.
Regulus -i, m. surname in the gens Atilia.
regusto -are, to taste again or repeatedly.
reicio -icere -ieci -iectum, to throw back, throw behind, throw away; to drive off; of a storm, to drive back, cast up. Transf. to throw off, reject; to refer; in time, to put off; legal, to challenge a juror.
reiectio -onis, f. throwing back, rejection; legal, the challenging of a juror.
reiecto -are, to throw back.
relabor -labi -lapsus, dep. to glide back, fall back.
relanguesco -languescere -langui, to become faint; to slacken.
relatio -onis, f. carrying back, bringing back; polit. a report; gram. repetition.
relator -oris, m. one who makes a report.
relatus -us, m. a narrative; a report.
relaxatio -onis, f. relaxation, easing.
relaxo -are, to loosen, enlarge; to ease, lighten, relax.
relegatio -onis, f. banishment.
relego (1) -are, to send away; to put aside, reject; to banish.
relego (2) -legere -legi -lectum, to gather up again; of places, to pass again; of topics, to go over again.
relentesco -ere, to become languid again.
relevo -are, to lift again; to lighten; to relieve, alleviate.
relictio -onis, f. leaving, deserting.
relicuos; = reliquus; q.v.
relicus; = reliquus; q.v.
religatio -onis, f. tying up.
religio (relligio) -onis, f., of persons, scrupulousness, conscientious exactness; esp. religious scruple, awe, superstition, strict obser- vance; in gen. moral scruples, conscientiousness; of gods, etc., sanctity; an object of worship, holy thing or place.
religiosus (relligiosus) -a -um, of persons, scrupulous, conscientious; holy, strict, superstitious; of actions, either required or forbidden by religion; of gods, etc. holy, sacred. Adv. religiose, conscientious- ly, scrupulously; religiously.
religo -are, to tie on, fasten behind.
relino -linere -levi -litum, to unseal.
relinquo -linquere -liqui -lictum, to leave behind; at death, to bequeath; to leave unchanged; pass. to remain; to omit, leave out, pass over; to desert, abandon, forsake.
reliquiae (relliquiae) -arum, f. pl. remains, relics, remnant.
reliquus (relicus) -a -um, left behind, remaining, other; of a debt, outstanding; of time, remaining, future. N. as subst., sing. and plur., the rest, remainder; 'in reliquum', for the future.
relli-; see reli-.
reluceo -lucere -luxi, to glitter.
relucesco -lucescere -luxi, to become bright again.
reluctor -ari, dep. to struggle against, resist.
remaneo -manere -mansi -mansum, to remain behind, stay, continue.
remano -are, to flow back.
remansio -onis, f. remaining in a place.
remedium -i, n. means of healing, cure, remedy, medicine.
remeo -are, to go back, return.
remetior -metiri -mensus, dep. to measure again, go back over; perf. partic. sometimes pass. in meaning.
remex -migis, m. a rower.
remigatio -onis, f. rowing.
remigium -i, n. rowing. Transf. oars; crew.
remigo -are, to row.
remigro -are, to wander back, come back, return.
reminiscor -i, dep. to call to mind, recollect, remember.
remisceo -miscere -mixtum, to mix up, mingle.
remissio -onis, f. letting go back, letting fall, lowering; breaking off, interrupting; remitting; 'animi', relaxation, quiet.
remitto -mittere -misi -missum. (1) to send back, send again; throw back; echo. (2) to let go back, relax, loosen; to relieve, abate; with infin. to give up doing; intransit. to ease off. (3) to give up, yield; abandon, sacrifice; to forgive an offence, remit punishment. Hence partic. remissus -a -um, relaxed, mild, gentle; in bad sense, negligent, remiss. Adv. remisse.
remolior -iri, dep. to make soft again, to weaken.
remollesco -ere, to become soft again.
remollio -ire, to make soft again, to weaken.
remora -ae, f. delay, hindrance.
remoramen -inis, n. delay.
remordeo -mordere -morsum, to worry, haunt.
remoror -ari, dep.: intransit. to remain behind, linger, loiter; transit. to obstruct, hinder.
remotio -onis, f. putting away, removing.
removeo -movere -movi -motum, to move back, withdraw. Hence partic. remotus -a -um, removed, withdrawn, distant, far off, remote; adv. remote, far off, at a distance.
remugio -ire, to bellow again, bellow back.
remulceo -mulcere -mulsi, to stroke back.
remulcum -i, n. a tow rope.
remuneratio -onis, f. a recompense, return.
remuneror -ari, dep. to repay, reward.
remurmuro -are, to murmur back.
remus -i, m. an oar.
Remus -i, m. twin brother of Romulus.
renarro -are, to relate again.
renascor -nasci -natus, dep. to be born again, grow again.
renavigo -are, to sail back.
reneo -nere, to unravel.
renes -um, m. pl. the kidneys.
renideo -ere, to shine back, glitter; to beam with joy, laugh, smile.
renitor -i, dep. to oppose, withstand, resist.
reno (1) -nare, to swim back.
reno (2) -onis, m. a garment made of fur.
renodo -are, to tie back.
renovamen -inis, n. renewal.
renovatio -onis, n. renewal, renovation; 'renovatio singulorum annorum', compound interest.
renovo -are, to renew, restore, repair; to repeat.
renumero -are, to count over again; to pay back.
renuntiatio -onis, f. a formal report, public announcement.
renuntio -are: (1) to bring back word, report, announce. (2) to disclaim, refuse, renounce.
renuo -nuere -nui, to deny, refuse, reject.
renuto -are, to refuse, decline.
reor reri ratus, dep. to think, suppose, judge; partic., in pass. sense, ratus -a -um, determined, settled; 'ratum facere', to ratify, confirm, make valid; 'pro rata', in proportion.
repagula -orum, n. pl. bars or bolts; restraints, limits.
repandus -a -um, bent backwards, turned up.
reparabilis -e, that can be restored.
reparco; = reperco; q.v.
reparo -are, to restore, renew, make good; to get in exchange, purchase.
repastinatio -onis, f. digging up again.
repecto -pectere -pexum, to comb back.
repello repellere reppuli repulsum, to drive back, drive away; to banish, repel; 'a spe', to disappoint; 'criminationes', to refute.
rependo -pendere -pendi -pensum, to weigh back again; to ransom; to repay, requite.
repens -entis, sudden, unexpected; fresh, recent. Adv. repente, suddenly, unexpectedly.
repentinus -a -um, sudden, unexpected; n. abl. as adv. repentino, suddenly.
reperco (reparco) -percere -persi or -peperci, to spare, be sparing, abstain.
repercussus -us, m. reverberation; echo, reflection.
repercutio -cutere -cussi -cussum, to strike back, make rebound; perf. partic. repercussus -a -um, rebounding, reflected.
reperio reperire repperi repertum, to get again; to find, discover, ascertain, invent.
repertor -oris, m. discoverer, inventor.
repetentia -ae, f. recollection, remembrance.
repetitio -onis, f. repetition.
repetitor -oris, m. one who demands back.
repeto -ere -ivi and -ii -itum, to seek again, go back for or to; to ask back; 'res repetere', to demand satisfaction; '(pecuniae) repetundae', money claimed back, as having been extorted; to return to, renew, begin again; to trace back, deduce; to recollect, recall.
repetundus; see repeto.
repleo -plere -plevi -pletum, to fill again, fill up; to make full, fill, satisfy. Hence partic. repletus -a -um, filled, full.
replicatio -onis, f. rolling again, folding round.
replico -are, to unroll; to turn over, review.
repo repere repsi reptum, to creep, crawl.
repono -ponere -posui -positum, to lay back; to put aside, lay up, deposit, store; mentally, to reckon, place; to replace, restore; to replace by a substitute; to requite.
reporto -are, to bring back, carry back; of reports, to deliver.
reposco -ere, to ask back again; to demand as a right, claim.
repostor -oris, m. a restorer.
repotia -orum, n. pl. an after-party, second entertainment.
repraesentatio -onis, f. (1) vivid presentation, lively description. (2) payment in cash.
repraesento -are, to bring back, reproduce; to perform immediately, hasten on; 'pecuniam', to pay cash.
reprehendo -prehendere -prehendi -prehensum, and reprendo -prendere -prendi -prensum, to catch, hold fast, detain, check; to blame, reprove, censure; to refute.
reprehensio -onis, f. stopping, check; blame, censure; refutation.
reprehenso -are, to hold back, hold fast.
reprehensor -oris, m. a censurer, reprover; an improver, reformer.
repressor -oris, m. a restrainer.
reprimo -primere -pressi -pressum, to hold back, restrain, hinder, repress.
repromissio -onis, f. a counterpromise.
repromitto -mittere -misi -missum, to promise in return.
repto -are, to creep, crawl along.
repudiatio -onis, f. refusal, rejection.
repudio -are, to refuse, reject, disdain; to divorce.
repudium -i, n. divorce.
repuerasco -ere, to become a boy again, to frolic.
repugnantia -ae, f. incompatibility.
repugno -are, to fight against, oppose, resist; to be opposed, repugnant, inconsistent, incompatible. Hence partic. repugnans -antis, contrary, opposed; n. pl. as subst., contradiction; adv. repugnanter, unwillingly.
repulsa -ae, f. repulse, rejection; denial, refusal.
repulsans -antis, partic. beating back; 'colles verba repulsantes', echoing.
repulsu, abl. sing. m. by striking back, by reflection, by echoing.
repungo -ere, to prick again.
repurgo -are, to clean again; to purge away.
reputatio -onis, f. re-appraisal.
reputo -are. (1) to reckon back, count, compute. (2) to think over, reconsider.
requies -etis, f. rest, repose.
requiesco -quiescere -quievi -quietum, to rest, repose; pass. partic., requietus -a -um, rested, refreshed; 'ager', fallow.
requiro -quirere -quisii and -quisivi -quisitum, to ask for, look for, enquire after; to demand, desire; to miss, feel the want of.
res rei, f. a thing, object, matter, affair, circumstance; 'natura rerum', the world, the universe, nature; 'pro re', according to circumstance; esp. the real thing, fact, truth, reality; 're vera', in truth; possessions, property, wealth; interest, advantage, benefit; 'in rem', to one's advantage; cause, ground, reason; 'qua re, quam ob rem', wherefore; a matter of business; a law suit, action; 'res publica' or 'respublica', the republic, state, commonwealth; 'e republica', in the public interest.
resacro; = resecro; q.v.
resaevio -ire, to rage again.
resaluto -are, to salute back, greet in return.
resanesco -sanescere -sanui, to become sound again.
resarcio -sarcire -sartum, to patch up, mend, repair, restore.
rescindo -scindere -scidi -scissum, to tear back, cut away, break open; 'vulnus', to reopen; of laws, etc. to rescind, repeal.
rescisco -sciscere -scivi and -scii -scitum, to find out, ascertain.
rescribo -scribere -scripsi -scriptum, to write again, rewrite; to enrol again, transfer; to write back, answer in writing; in bookkeeping, to pay, repay.
reseco -secare -secui -sectum, to cut back, cut short.
resecro (resacro) -are, to implore again and again; to free from a curse.
resemino -are, to produce again.
resequor -sequi -secutus, dep. to follow again; 'dictis', to answer.
resero -are, to unbolt, open up, disclose, reveal.
reservo -are, to lay up, keep back, reserve; to save, preserve, keep.
reses -sidis, sitting; in active, calm, quiet.
resideo -sidere -sedi -sessum, to remain sitting, stay, rest.
resido -sidere -sedi -sessum, to sit down, settle, sink, subside, abate.
residuus -a -um, remaining, outstanding; 'pecuniae', arrears.
resigno -are, to unseal, open, reveal; to cancel, annul; to transfer, give back, resign.
resilio -silire -silui -sultum, to leap back, rebound; to shrink, contract.
resimus -a -um, bent backwards, turned up.
resina -ae, f. resin.
resipio -sipere, to have a flavor of anything.
resipisco -sipiscere -sipii and -sipivi, to recover one's senses; to become rational again.
resisto -sistere -stiti. (1) to stay, still, stop, continue; to recover one's footing. (2) to resist, oppose, withstand; usually with dat.
resolvo -solvere -solvi -solutum, to untie, loosen, open; to melt; to dissipate; to dispel; to release; to reveal; to weaken.
resonabilis -e, resounding.
resono -are: intransit. to resound, echo; transit. to make resound.
resonus -a -um, resounding, echoing.
resorbeo -ere, to swallow again, suck back.
respecto -are, to look eagerly back (at); to have a regard for, give thought to.
respectus -us, m. looking back; hence care, regard, consideration; looking around one; meton. refuge, retreat.
respergo -spergere -spersi -spersum, to sprinkle, splash.
respersio -onis, f. sprinkling.
respicio -spicere -spexi -spectum, to look behind, look back (at); to look back upon; to look to, provide for; to look to, depend upon; to have a re- gard for, care for, consider.
respiramen -inis, n. windpipe.
respiratio -onis, f. taking breath, respiration; exhalation.
respiratus -us, m. taking breath.
respiro -are. (1) to breathe back, blow in a contrary direction. (2) to breathe again, to take breath; to recover from fear, etc.; of things, to abate, decline.
resplendeo -ere, to glitter back, gleam again.
respondeo -spondere -spondi -sponsum: intransit. to match, correspond to, answer to; to resemble; legal, to answer to one's name, appear, be present; transit. to give an answer to a person or thing, to answer, reply. N. of partic. as subst. responsum -i, an answer, reply; a law- yer's opinion.
responsio -onis, f. a reply, answer.
responsito -are, to keep giving an answer or opinion.
responso -are, to keep answering; to re-echo; with dat. to defy, withstand.
responsum; see respondeo.
respublica; see res.
respuo -spuere -spui, to spit out, reject, refuse, repel.
restagno -are, to overflow, be swamped.
restauro -are, to restore, rebuild.
resticula -ae, f. a thin rope.
restinctio -onis, f. slaking, quenching.
restinguo -stinguere -stinxi -stinctum, to put out again, extinguish, quench, slake, destroy.
restio -onis, m. a rope-maker.
restipulatio -onis, f. a counter-engagement.
restipulor -ari, dep. to obtain a promise in return.
restis -is, f. a rope, cord.
restito -are, to remain behind, linger.
restituo -uere -ui -utum, to put back, replace, restore; to reinstate, reestablish; to repair, make good.
restitutio -onis, f. restoration, reinstatement.
restitutor -oris, m. restorer.
resto -stare -stiti. (1) to make a stand, resist, oppose. (2) to stand still, stay behind; to be left over, survive; to remain available or pos- sible; of the future, to await, be in store.
restringo -stringere -strinxi -strictum, to bind back, draw back; to confine, restrict, restrain. Hence partic. restrictus -a -um, close, tight; stingy; strict, severe. Adv. restricte, sparingly; strictly.
resulto -are, to spring back, rebound; to echo, resound; of style, to go jerkily.
resumo -sumere -sumpsi -sumptum, to take again, resume; to renew, repeat.
resupino -are, to throw down, prostrate.
resupinus -a -um, bent backwards, on one's back; also with head thrown back.
resurgo -surgere -surrexi -surrectum, to rise up again, appear again.
resuscito -are, to revive, resuscitate.
retardatio -onis, f. hindering.
retardo -are, to slow down, retard, impede.
rete -is, n. a net.
retego -tegere -texi -tectum, to uncover, reveal, open, disclose.
retempto -are, to attempt again.
retendo -tendere -tendi -tensum and -tentum, to slacken, unbend.
retentio -onis, f. keeping back; withholding.
retento (1) -are, to hold firmly; to preserve, maintain.
retento (2) = retempto; q.v.
retentus; see retempto.
retexo -texere -texui -textum, to unravel, undo, reverse; to cancel, annul; to retract; to revise.
retiarius -a -um, a gladiator using a net.
reticentia -ae, f. keeping silent.
reticeo -ere: intransit. to keep silence, say nothing; transit. to keep silent about.
reticulum -i, n. a little net; a net-bag; a hairnet.
retinacula -orum, n. pl. a rope, cable.
retinentia -ae, f. recollection.
retineo -tinere -tinui -tentum, to hold back, detain; to restrain; to keep, reserve, maintain. Hence partic. retinens -entis, tenacious.
retinnio -ire, to resound, ring again.
retono -are, to thunder back, resound.
retorqueo -torquere -torsi -tortum, to twist back, bend back.
retractatio -onis, f. (1) refusal, denial. (2) reconsideration.
retracto (retrecto) -are. (1) to handle again, undertake anew, reconsider. (2) to draw back, refuse, be reluctant; 'dicta', to withdraw.
retraho -trahere -traxi -tractum, to draw back; to hold back, withdraw; to draw on again, induce. Hence partic. retractus -a -um, withdrawn; distant, remote.
retribuo -tribuere -tribui -tributum, to give again or give as due.
retro, backwards, back, behind.
retroago -agere -egi -actum, to drive back, reverse.
retrorsum, backwards, behind, in return, in reversed order.
retrudo -trudere -trusum, to push back; perf. partic. retrusus -a -um, remote, obscure.
retundo retundere retudi (rettudi) retusum (retunsum), to hammer back, blunt, dull; to check or weaken; partic. retusus -a -um, dull, blunt.
reus -i, m. and rea -ae, f. a party in a law suit, whether plaintiff or defendant; esp. a defendant, accused person; in gen. one bound or answerable.
revalesco -valescere -valui, to become well again, be restored, recover.
reveho -vehere -vexi -vectum, to carry back; pass. to drive back, ride back, sail back.
revello -vellere -velli -vulsum, to tear back, pull away; to remove, banish
revelo -are, to unveil, lay bare.
revenio -venire -veni -ventum, to come back, return.
revera; see res.
reverentia -ae, f. respect, fear, awe.
revereor -vereri -veritus, dep. to revere, respect, fear; partic. reverens -entis, respectful, reverent; adv. reverenter; gerundive, reverendus -a -um, awesome, venerable.
reversio (revorsio) -onis, f. turning back, return, recurrence.
reverto (revorto) -vertere -verti and pass. revertor (revortor), to return, come back, revert.
revincio -vincire -vinxi -vinctum, to tie back, bind fast.
revinco -vincere -vici -victum, to beat back, subdue; to refute.
reviresco -virescere -virui, to grow green or strong again; to revive.
reviso -ere: intransit. to pay a fresh visit, return; transit. to come to see again, revisit.
revivisco -viviscere -vixi, to come to life again, revive.
revocabilis -e, able to be called back.
revocamen -inis, n. calling back, recall.
revocatio -onis, f. calling back; withdrawing, revocation.
revoco -are, to call again or back; to recall; to bring or get back, recover; to refer; to revoke.
revolo -are, to fly back.
revolubilis -e, able to be rolled back.
revolvo -volvere -volvi -volutum, to roll backwards; esp. to unroll or open a book; hence to go over again; pass. to roll back, come round again in the course.
revomo -vomere -vomui, to vomit up, disgorge.
revor-; see rever-.
rex regis, m. ruler, king, prince, chief; monarch, tyrant.
Rhadamanthus -i, m. brother of Minos, a judge in the lower world.
Rhea (1) Silvia, mother of Romulus and Remus.
Rhea (2) -ae, f. old name of Cybele.
rheda; = raeda; q.v.
Rhenus -i, m. the river Rhine.
rhetor -oris, m. a teacher of rhetoric, a rhetoritician.
rhetoricus -a -um, rhetorical; subst. f. rhetorica -ae and rhetorice -es, the art of oratory; m. pl. rhetorici -orum, teachers of rhetoric; adv. rhetorice, rhetorically.
rhinoceros -otis, m. a rhinoceros.
rho, n. indecl. the Greek name of the letter R.
Rhodanus -i, m. a river in Gaul (now the Rhone).
Rhodus (-os) -i, f. Rhodes; adj. Rhodius -a -um and Rhodiensis -e.
rhombus (-os) -i, m. (1) a magician's circle. (2) the turbot.
rhomphaea (rumpia) -ae, f. a long javelin.
rhythmicus -i, m. one who teaches rhythm.
rhythmus (-os) -i, m. rhythm.
rhytium -i, n. a drinking horn.
rica -ae, f. a veil.
ricinum -i, n. a small veil.
rictus -us, m. and rictum -i, n. the open mouth.
rideo ridere risi risum: intransit. to laugh, smile, look cheerful; with dat. to please; transit. to laugh at.
ridicularius -a -um, laughable, droll.
ridiculosus -a -um, laughable, droll.
ridiculus -a -um, exciting laughter; droll, humorous; absurd, ridiculous; m. as subst. a joker, jester; n. subst. a joke, jest. Adv. ridicule, humorously; absurdly.
rigeo -ere, to be stiff (esp. with cold); of hair, to stand on end; partic. rigens -entis, stiff.
rigesco rigescere rigui, to grow stiff; of hair, to stand on end.
rigidus -a -um, stiff, unbending, hard; stern, inflexible. Adv. rigide.
rigo -are, to lead or conduct water; to wet, moisten, bedew.
rigor -oris, m. stiffness, hardness, esp. from cold. Transf. sternness.
riguus -a -um: act. watering; pass. well-watered, irrigated.
rima -ae, f. a crack, fissure, leak.
rimor -ari, dep. to cleave; to probe, pry into, examine.
rimosus -a -um, full of cracks, leaky.
ringor -i, dep. to show the teeth; to snarl, be angry.
ripa -ae, f. bank, shore.
ripula -ae, f. a little bank.
riscus -i, m. a box, trunk.
risio -onis, f. laughter.
risor -oris, m. a laugher, mocker.
risus -us, m. laughing, laughter; ridicule; an object of ridicule.
rite, in due form, with proper ceremonies, properly, fitly, rightly.
ritus -us, m. usage, ceremony, rite; abl. ritu, with genit. after the manner of.
rivalis -is, m. a rival in love.
rivalitas -atis, f. rivalry (in love).
rivulus -i, m. small brook, rivulet.
rivus -i, m. a stream.
rixa -ae, f. quarrel, brawl, contention.
rixor -ari, dep. to quarrel, brawl, contend.
robiginosus -a -um, rusty.
robigo (rubigo) -inis, f. rust; blight, mildew; inaction, mental rust. Personif. Robigo (Rub-) -inis, f. or Robigus (Rub-) -i, m. a deity in- voked to preserve grain from mildew; Robigalia -ium, n. the festival of Robigo.
roboreus -a -um, oaken.
roboro -are, to strengthen, make firm.
robur -oris, n. hard wood; esp. oak, oak wood; a dungeon in Rome, also called the Tullianum; as a quality, hardness, strength; in gen. the pick, flower of anything.
robustus -a -um, of hard wood; esp. of oak, oaken; strong, powerful, firm.
rodo rodere rosi rosum, to gnaw, nibble at; to corrode, consume; to disparage, backbite, slander.
rogalis -e, of the funeral pile.
rogatio -onis, f. asking; a question; a request; a proposed law, a bill.
rogatiuncula -ae, f. a minor question or bill.
rogator -oris, m. one who asks; the proposer of a bill; a polling-clerk.
rogatu, abl. sing. m. at the request.
rogito -are, to ask eagerly.
rogo -are, to ask, inquire; to ask for, request; polit., 'rogare aliquem sententiam', to ask a person his opinion; 'rogare populum' or 'legem', to propose a law, introduce a bill; 'rogare magistratum', to offer a person for election.
rogus -i, m. a funeral pyre.
Roma -ae, f. Rome; adj. Romanus -a -um.
Romulus -i, m. son of Mars, founder and first king of Rome; adj. Romuleus and Romulus -a -um.
rorarii -orum, m. pl. light-armed troops, skirmishers.
roridus -a -um, bedewed.
rorifer -fera -ferum, dew-bringing.
roro -are: intransit. to drop dew, drip, be moist; transit. to bedew, moisten, water; to drip, let fall in drops.
ros roris, m. dew, moisture; 'ros marinus, rosmarinus', rosemary.
rosa -ae, f. a rose; a garland of roses; a rose tree.
rosarius -a -um, of roses; n. as subst. a rose garden.
roscidus -a -um, bedewed, dewy; dripping like dew; moistened.
Roscius -a -um, name of a Roman gens.
rosetum -i, n. a garden of roses.
roseus -a -um, of roses; rose-colored, rosy.
rosmarinus; see ros.
rostratus -a -um, having a beak, beaked, curved; 'columna rostrata', a pillar in the forum, adorned with ship's prows.
rostrum -i, n. beak, snout; a ship's prow; plur. rostra -orum, the speaker's platform in the Forum (ornamented with prows of ships).
rota -ae, f. a wheel; poet. a chariot.
roto -are, to whirl round, swing, brandish; pass. rotari, to revolve, to roll round.
rotundo -are, to round, make round.
rotundus -a -um, round, circular; sometimes spherical; rounded, complete, self-contained. Adv. rotunde, of style, elegantly, smoothly.
rubefacio -facere -feci -factum, to redden, make red.
rubellus -a -um, reddish.
rubeo -ere, to be red; to blush; partic. rubens -entis, red, blushing.
ruber -bra -brum, red, ruddy.
rubesco -bescere -bui, to become red.
rubeta (1) -ae, f. a species of toad.
rubeta (2) -orum, n. pl. bramble-thickets.
rubeus -a -um, of bramble.
Rubico -onis, m. a river, once the boundary between Italy and Cisalpine Gaul.
rubicundus -a -um, red, ruddy.
rubigo; = robigo; q.v.
rubor -oris, m. redness; a blush; modesty; shame, disgrace.
rubrica -ae, f. red earth; red ocher; a law with its title written in red.
rubus -i, m. a bramble bush; a blackberry.
ructo -are and ructor -ari, dep. to belch.
ructus -us, m. belching.
rudens -entis, m. a rope, halyard.
rudimentum -i, n. a trial, attempt, essay.
rudis (1) -e, rough, raw, uncultivated; unrefined, unskilled, awkward.
rudis (2) -is, f. a small stick; a foil (given to gladiators on their discharge).
rudo rudere rudivi ruditum, to bellow, roar.
rudus (rodus) -eris, n. broken fragments of stone.
rudus; = raudus; q.v.
rufus -a -um, red, ruddy.
ruga -ae, f. a wrinkle.
rugosus -a -um, wrinkled.
ruina -ae, f. falling down, collapse, ruin, destruction; the ruins of a building, debris.
ruinosus -a -um, going to ruin.
rumex -icis, f. sorrel.
Rumina -ae, f. a Roman goddess; 'Ruminalis ficus', a fig tree under which the she-wolf had suckled Romulus and Remus.
ruminatio -onis, f. chewing the cud; ruminating.
rumino -are, to chew the cud, ruminate.
rumor -oris, m. report, rumor, common talk, hearsay; general opinion, popular judgment.
rumpo rumpere rupi ruptum, to break, shatter, burst open; to cause to break forth; to destroy, violate, annul; to break off, interrupt.
rumusculus -i, m. trifling rumor, idle talk, gossip.
runa -ae, f. a dart.
runco -are, to weed, thin out.
ruo ruere rui rutum; fut. partic. ruiturus; intransit. to rush down, fall, collapse, be ruined; to rush along; to be precipitate; transit. to hurl down; also to cast up.
rupes -is, f. rock, cliff.
ruptor -oris, m. breaker, violator.
ruricola -ae, inhabiting or cultivating the country.
rurigena -ae, m. one born in the country, a rustic.
ruro -are and ruror -ari, dep. to live in the country.
rursus and rursum, backward, back; on the other hand, in return; again, afresh.
rus ruris, n. the country, a country seat, farm, estate; acc. rus, to the country; locative, ruri (or rure), in the country.
russus -a -um, red, russet.
rusticanus -a -um, of the country, rustic.
rusticatio -onis, f. living in the country.
rusticitas -atis, f. rustic manners, rusticity.
rusticor -ari, dep. to live in the country.
rusticulus -a -um, countrified; m. as subst. a rustic.
rusticus -a -um, of the country, rural, rustic; plain, simple; awkward, boorish; m. as subst. a countryman, a boor. Adv. rustice.
ruta -ae, f. the herb rue; bitterness, unpleasantness.
rutilo -are: intransit. to shine reddish; transit. to make red.
rutilus -a -um, red, golden, auburn.
rutrum -i, n. a spade, shovel.
rutula -ae, f. a little bit of rue.
Rutuli -orum, m. pl. an ancient people of Latium.
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Table of Contents
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- Ancient Assyrian Social Structure
- Ancient Babylonia
- Ancient Canaan During the Time of Joshua
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- Ancient Oil Lamps
- Antonia Fortress
- Archaeology of Ancient Assyria
- Assyria and Bible Prophecy
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- Fallen Empires - Archaeological Discoveries and the Bible
- First Century Jerusalem
- Glossary of Latin Words
- Herod Agrippa I
- Herod Antipas
- Herod the Great
- Herod's Temple
- High Priest's in New Testament Times
- Jewish Literature in New Testament Times
- Library collection
- Map of David's Kingdom
- Map of the Divided Kingdom - Israel and Judah
- Map of the Ministry of Jesus
- Matthew Henry Bible Commentary
- Messianic Prophecy
- Nero Caesar Emperor
- Online Bible Maps
- Paul's First Missionary Journey
- Paul's Second Missionary Journey
- Paul's Third Missionary Journey
- Pontius Pilate
- Questions About the Ancient World
- Tabernacle of Ancient Israel
- Tax Collectors in New Testament Times
- The Babylonian Captivity
- The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser
- The Books of the New Testament
- The Court of the Gentiles
- The Court of the Women in the Temple
- The Destruction of Israel
- The Fall of Judah with Map
- The History Of Rome
- The Incredible Bible
- The Jewish Calendar in Ancient Hebrew History
- The Life of Jesus in Chronological Order
- The Life of Jesus in Harmony
- The Names of God
- The New Testament
- The Old Testament
- The Passion of the Christ
- The Pharisees
- The Sacred Year of Israel in New Testament Times
- The Samaritans
- The Scribes
Ancient Questions
- Why Do the Huldah Gates Appear Different in Ancient Replicas and Modern Photos?
- What Is the Origin of the Japanese and Chinese Peoples? A Biblical Perspective
- How did the ancient Greeks and Romans practice medicine and treat illnesses?
- What were the major contributions of ancient Babylon to mathematics and astronomy?
- How did the ancient Persians create and administer their vast empire?
- What were the cultural and artistic achievements of ancient India, particularly during the Gupta Empire?
- How did ancient civilizations like the Incas and Aztecs build their remarkable cities and structures?
- What were the major trade routes and trading practices of the ancient world?
- What was the role of slavery in ancient societies like Rome and Greece?
- How did the ancient Mayans develop their sophisticated calendar system?
Bible Study Questions
- Why Do Christians Celebrate Christmas?
- How Many Chapters Are There in the Bible?
- The Five Key Visions in the New Testament
- The 400-Year Prophecy: Unpacking Genesis 15 and the Journey of a People
- The Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV): Historical Significance, Translation Methodology, and Lasting Impact
- Exploring the English Standard Version (ESV): Its Aspects, Comparisons, Impact on Biblical Studies, and Church Use
- A Detailed Historical Analysis of Language Updates in the KJ21: Comparison with Other Versions
- A Detailed Historical Analysis of the American Standard Version (ASV): Comparison to the King James Version, Influence on Later Translations, and Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses
- A Detailed Historical Analysis of Amplifications in the Amplified Bible (AMP) and Its Comparison to Other Bible Translations
- Detailed Historical Analysis of the Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC): Examples of Amplifications and Comparative Analysis with Other Bible Translations
Welcome to Free Bible: Unearthing the Past, Illuminating the Present! Step into a world where ancient history and biblical narratives intertwine, inviting you to explore the rich tapestry of human civilization.
Discover the captivating stories of forgotten empires, delve into the customs and cultures of our ancestors, and witness the remarkable findings unearthed by dedicated archaeologists.
Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of knowledge, where the past comes alive and illuminates our understanding of the present.
Join us on this extraordinary journey through time, where curiosity is rewarded and ancient mysteries await your exploration.
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