Glossary of Latin Words - Letter U
uber (1) -eris, n. an udder, teat, breast; richness, abundance, fertili- ty.
uber (2) -eris, adj. rich, fertile, fruitful, copious; adv. in compar. uberius and superl. uberrime, more and most abundantly.
ubertas -atis, f. fruitfulness, abundance.
ubertim, abundantly, copiously.
ubi or ubi, where (interrog. and relat); of time, when, as soon as; of other relations, wherein, whereby, with whom.
ubicumque (ubicunque): relat. wherever; indef. anywhere, everywhere.
Ubii -orum, m. pl. a Germanic people.
ubique, everywhere.
ubivis, wherever you will, anywhere.
udus -a -um, wet, moist.
ulcero -are, to make sore, ulcerate, wound.
ulcerosus -a -um, full of sores, ulcerous, wounded.
ulciscor ulcisci ultus, dep. (1) to take vengeance for, avenge. (2) to take vengeance on, to punish.
ulcus -eris, n. a sore, ulcer, wound.
uligo -inis, f. moisture, damp.
Ulixes -is, -i or -ei, m. Latin name for Ulysses or Odysseus, husband of Penelope, king of Ithaca.
ullus -a -um; genit. ullius, dat. ulli; any; as subst. anyone, anything
ulmeus -a -um, of elm wood.
ulmus -i, f. elm.
ulna -ae, f. elbow, arm; an ell.
ulterior -ius, compar. as from ulter, farther, more distant, more advanced, more remote. Superl. ultimus -a -um, most distant, farthest, extreme; in time or succession, either original or last, final; 'ad ultimum', to the last; 'ultimum', for the last time; in rank, etc., either highest, greatest, or meanest, lowest.
ultio -onis, f. avenging, punishment, revenge.
ultor -oris, m. avenger, punisher.
ultra, adv. and prep. beyond, on the far side of, farther (than), more (than).
ultrix -icis, f. avenging.
ultro, adv. to the far side, beyond; 'ultro et citro', up and down. Transf. besides, moreover; of one's own accord, spontaneously, gratui- tously,
ulula -ae, f. an owl.
ululatus -us, m. howling, wailing, yelling.
ululo -are, to howl, yell; transit. to howl to; of places, to resound with howling.
ulva -ae, f. sedge.
umbella -ae, f. a parasol.
umbilicus -i, m. the navel; middle, center; the end of the roller of a scroll; a kind of sea-snail.
umbo -onis, m. a boss, round projection; esp. the center of a shield; a shield; the elbow.
umbra -ae, f. a shade, shadow; a shady place; protection; idleness, pleasant rest; a phantom, ghost, shade, semblance; an uninvited guest; a fish, perhaps grayling.
umbraculum -i, n. a shady place, arbor; quiet, retirement; a parasol.
umbratilis -e, retired, contemplative.
Umbri -orum, m. pl. a people of central Italy; Umbria -ae, f. Umbria.
umbrifer -fera -ferum, shady.
umbro -are, to shade, over-shadow.
umbrosus -a -um, shady.
umecto (humecto) -are, to wet, moisten.
umectus (humectus) -a -um, moist.
umeo (humeo) -ere, to be moist; partic. umens -entis, moist.
umerus (humerus) -i, m. the upper arm or shoulder.
umesco (humesco) -ere, to become moist.
umidulus (humidulus) -a -um, moist.
umidus (humidus) -a -um, wet, moist, damp; 'ligna', unseasoned; n. as subst. a wet place.
umor (humor) -oris, m. moisture, fluid.
umquam (unquam), at any time, ever.
una, adv. from unus; q.v.
unanimitas -atis, f. concord, unanimity.
unanimus -a -um, of one mind, agreeing, unanimous.
uncia -ae, f. a twelfth; an ounce.
unciarius -a -um, of a twelfth part; 'faenus', 8 1/3 per cent.
unciatim, little by little.
uncinatus -a -um, hooked.
unciola -ae, f. a mere twelfth.
unctio -onis, f. anointing.
unctito -are, to anoint, besmear.
unctor -oris, m. an anointer.
unctura -ae, f. anointing of the dead.
unctus -a -um, partic. from ungo; q.v.
uncus (1) -a -um, hooked, curved.
uncus (2) -i, m. a hook.
unda -ae, f. water, fluid, esp. a wave; fig. a stream of people, etc.
unde, whence, from where (interrog. and relat.). Transf. how, from whom.
undecies (undeciens), eleven times.
undecim, indecl. num. eleven.
undecimus -a -um, eleventh.
undecumque (undecunque), from whatever place.
undeni -ae -a, eleven at a time or eleven each.
undenonaginta, eighty-nine.
undeoctoginta, seventy-nine.
undequadraginta, thirty-nine.
undequinquagesimus -a -um, forty-ninth.
undequinquaginta, forty-nine.
undesexaginta, fifty-nine.
undetricesimus -a -um, twenty-ninth.
undevicesimus -a -um, nineteenth.
undeviginti, nineteen.
undique, from or on all sides, from everywhere, everywhere; altogether, in every respect.
undisonus -a -um, resounding with waves.
undo -are: intransit. to surge, wave, undulate; transit. to flood.
undosus -a -um, surging, billowing.
unetvicesimani -orum, m. pl. soldiers of the twenty-first legion.
ungo (unguo) ungere unxi unctum, to anoint, besmear; partic. unctus -a -um, besmeared, anointed, greasy; rich, copious; n. as subst. a sumptuous feast.
unguen -inis, n. fatty substance, ointment.
unguentarius -a -um, of ointment; m. as subst. a dealer in unguents.
unguentatus -a -um, anointed.
unguentum -i, n. salve, ointment, perfume.
unguiculus -i, m. a finger or toe-nail.
unguis -is, m. a finger or toe-nail; of animals, claw, hoof; 'de tenero ungui', from childhood; 'ad (or in) unguen', to a hair, nicely, per- fectly.
ungula -ae, f. a hoof, claw, talon.
unguo; = ungo; q.v.
unicolor -oris, of one color.
unicus -a -um, one, only, sole; singular, unique: adv. unice, singly, especially.
uniformis -e, having one form, simple.
unigena -ae, of the same race; only-begotten, unique.
unimanus -a -um, having but one hand.
unio -onis, m. a large pearl.
unitas -atis, f. unity, oneness.
uniter, in one, together.
universalis -e, general, universal.
universitas -atis, f. the whole, total; the universe, the world.
universus (archaic univorsus) -a -um, combined in one, whole, entire; plur. universi -ae -a, all together; n. as subst. universum -i, the whole; the world, the universe; phrase, 'in universum', and adv. universe, gen- erally, in general
unus -a -um, genit. unius, dat, uni, one; only one; one and the same; any one; 'ad unum omnes', all to a man; 'in unum', into one place; 'uno tempore', at the same time. Adv. una, in one, together.
upilio (opilio) -onis, m. a shepherd.
Urania -ae and Uranie -es, f. the Muse of Astronomy. 1
urbanitas -atis, f. city life, esp. life in Rome. Hence politeness, urbanity, refinement; wit, pleasantry.
urbanus -a -um, of a city (esp. Rome), urban; hence refined; elegant; witty; pleasant; m. pl. as subst. the inhabitants of a city, the towns- folk. Adv. urbane, politely, courteously; wittily, elegantly.
urbs urbis, f. a walled town or city; esp. the city of Rome.
urceolus -i, m. a small jug or pitcher.
urceus -i, m. a jug, pitcher.
uredo -inis, f. a blight on plants.
urgeo urgere ursi, to push, press, drive, urge; to beset, oppress; to stress; of work, to press on with, ply hard, follow up.
urina -ae, f. urine.
urinator -oris, m. a diver.
urino -are and urinor -ari, dep. to dive.
urna -ae, f. a jug, pitcher, jar, pot.
uro urere ussi ustum, to burn; to dry up, parch; chafe, gall; to disturb, harass.
ursa -ae, f. a she-bear.
ursus -i, m. a bear.
urtica -ae, f. a nettle. Transf. desire.
urus -i, m. a kind of wild ox.
usitatus -a -um, customary, usual; adv. usitate.
uspiam, anywhere, at any place.
usquam, anywhere; at all, in any way; in any direction.
usque, through and through, all the way; continuously; always; 'usque Romam', as far as Rome; 'usque a Romulo', ever since Romulus.
usquequaque, always.
ustor -oris, m. a burner of corpses.
ustulo -are, to burn, scorch, singe.
usucapio (1) -capere -cepi -captum, to acquire ownership by long use.
usucapio (2) -onis, f. ownership acquired by long possession or use.
usura -ae, f. use, enjoyment; esp. use of borrowed capital; interest paid for money borrowed.
usurpatio -onis, f. using, use; undertaking.
usurpo -are, to use, bring into use; to take possession of, acquire, appro- priate, usurp; to perceive, to notice; to use a word, to mention; hence to call, name.
usus -us, m. use, application, practice, exercise; social intercourse, familiarity; legal, 'usus et fructus, ususfructus', the use of other's property. Transf. practice, skill, experience; utility, usefulness, profit; 'usui esse, ex usu esse', to be useful, be of use; 'usus est', there is need of, occasion for; 'usu venit', it happens.
ut or uti. (1) with indic. verb: how (interrog. and exclam); relat. as, esp. with corresponding sic or ita; 'ut ut' in whatever way; explanatory, as, as being (sometimes without verb); temporal, as when, while, since, when; of place, where. (2) with subjunctive: in indirect questions, how; in wishes, o that; concessive, granted that; consecutive, so that, often preceded by ita, tam, etc.; explaining or defining, namely that; final, in order that (neg. ne or ut ne); in indirect command, that, to; after verbs of fearing (= ne non), that...not.
utcumque (utcunque), in whatever manner, however; whenever.
utensilia -ium, n. pl. useful things, utensils.
uter (1) utris, m. the skin of an animal used as bag or bottle.
uter (2) utra utrum; genit. utrius, dat. utri; interrog., which of the two?; plur. which side? which set?; relat., that (of two) which; indef., either of the two.
utercumque (utercunque) utracumque utrumque, whichever of the two.
uterlibet utralibet utrumlibet, whichever of the two you please.
uterque utraque utrumque; genit. utriusque, dat. utrique; each of two; in plur., usually, each side, each set; sometimes of individuals, both.
uterus -i, m. and uterum -i, n. womb; belly.
utervis utravis utrumvis; genit. utriusvis, dat. utrivis; whichever of the two you please.
uti; = ut; q.v.
Utica -ae, f. a town in Africa where Cato the younger killed himself.
utilis -e, useful, fit, profitable; adv. utiliter.
utinam, would that! oh that!.
utique, at any rate, certainly, at least.
utor uti usus, dep. to use, employ; to possess, enjoy; of persons, to associate with, or, with a predicate, to find. Hence partic. utens -entis, possessing.
utpote, seeing that, inasmuch as.
utrarius -i, m. a water-carrier.
utrimque (utrinque), from or on both sides.
utro, to which of two places? to which side?.
utrobique (utrubique), on each of two sides; both ways.
utroque, to both sides, in both directions; at each point, both ways.
utrum, whether; used mainly in alternative questions, direct or indirect.
utut, however; see ut.
uva -ae, f. a bunch of grapes; meton. vine. Transf. a cluster.
uvesco -ere, to become moist.
uvidulus -a -um, moist.
uvidus -a -um, moist, damp, wet. Transf. drunken.
uxor -oris, f. a wife; 'uxorem ducere', to marry a wife.
uxorius -a -um. (1) of a wife. (2) too devoted
to one's wife, uxorious.
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- Herod Antipas
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- Map of the Divided Kingdom - Israel and Judah
- Map of the Ministry of Jesus
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- Paul's Second Missionary Journey
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- Tabernacle of Ancient Israel
- Tax Collectors in New Testament Times
- The Babylonian Captivity
- The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser
- The Books of the New Testament
- The Court of the Gentiles
- The Court of the Women in the Temple
- The Destruction of Israel
- The Fall of Judah with Map
- The History Of Rome
- The Incredible Bible
- The Jewish Calendar in Ancient Hebrew History
- The Life of Jesus in Chronological Order
- The Life of Jesus in Harmony
- The Names of God
- The New Testament
- The Old Testament
- The Passion of the Christ
- The Pharisees
- The Sacred Year of Israel in New Testament Times
- The Samaritans
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Ancient Questions
- Why Do the Huldah Gates Appear Different in Ancient Replicas and Modern Photos?
- What Is the Origin of the Japanese and Chinese Peoples? A Biblical Perspective
- How did the ancient Greeks and Romans practice medicine and treat illnesses?
- What were the major contributions of ancient Babylon to mathematics and astronomy?
- How did the ancient Persians create and administer their vast empire?
- What were the cultural and artistic achievements of ancient India, particularly during the Gupta Empire?
- How did ancient civilizations like the Incas and Aztecs build their remarkable cities and structures?
- What were the major trade routes and trading practices of the ancient world?
- What was the role of slavery in ancient societies like Rome and Greece?
- How did the ancient Mayans develop their sophisticated calendar system?
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- Detailed Historical Analysis of the Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC): Examples of Amplifications and Comparative Analysis with Other Bible Translations
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