.php lang="en"> Egyptian Pharaoh Oskoron I (Free Bible)

Pharaoh Oskoron I

The Egyptian Pharaoh Oskoron I Small

The Egyptian Pharaoh Oskoron I

This pink quartzite bust depicts the Egyptian pharaoh Oskoron I from the 9th century BC.

Louvre Excerpt

The Egyptian pharaoh Oskoron I
End of 10th - Early 9th century BC
Pink quartzite
H 60 cm
AO 9502


"This Egyptian statue carrying the hieroglyphic cartouche of the pharaoh Osorkon I (924-895 BC) is also the support of a phoenician inscription among the oldest known. Eliba'al, vassal of Oskoron and the king of Byblos, had inscribed in a still archaic script, a dedication to the great goddess patroness of the town." - Louvre

The Egyptian Pharaoh Oskoron I


Copyright © 2001 The Louvre Louvre Musée

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