.php lang="en"> Sarcophagus of an Ancient king of Sidon (Bible History Online)

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazor

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazor II, king of Sidon Small

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazor II, king of Sidon

This 480 BC black amphibolite sarcophagus reveals the king of ancient Sidon, Eshmunazor II.

Louvre Excerpt

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazor II, king of Sidon
Necropolis of Magharat Ablun, Saïda (ancient Sidon), Lebanon
489-475 BC
Black amphibolite
H 256 cm
AO 4806


"The large Phoenician town of Sidon, now Saïda, enjoyed great prestige in the 5th century BC, under the dynasty of Eshmunazor. The excavations carried out on the site in the middle of the 19th century brought to light numerous stone sarcophagi grouped in funeral chambers. Most are of Greek influence, some, such as the sarcophagus in black amphibolite of Eshmunazor II, are of Egyptian style. Its discovery in 1855, enabled a decisive advance in the knowledge of Phoenician, thanks to the long inscription engraved on the cover which gives the name of the deceased, his titles, his genealogy, and his construction of temples." " - Louvre

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazor II, king of Sidon


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